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中城中学课堂教学设计(教学案)执教签名: 二次备课 九 年级 英语 学科 主备教师: 杨惠 . 定稿老师 教学课题Unit Seven period 1 (Section A 1a1c)日期课堂教学导图Key words: license, safety, smokeKnowledge Target language: -I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. -I agree. They arent serious enough. Listening skillAbilities Speaking skillSensibility and value: 让学生了解家庭、学校、社会中的各种规章制度。学习目标说明 介绍和初步学习含情态动词的被动语态教学重点教学难点学会使用句型:should(not) be allowed to do sth.教学过程课堂环节师生活动设计意图I.情景导入II.目标导学III.预习展示1.Report One student give a duty report, The other students listen carefully.2.warming upObey the school rules!As a teenager, you have a lot of rules at school. Can you write down some of them?Show students the learning aims(key words: structures: grammar: ), students look and read them together.One or two students translate the phrases into English(workbook P. ),others discuss if theyre wrong.热身活动,为下面新内容的学习话题和材料明确学习目标了解预习情况课堂环节师生活动设计意图IV.新知探究V.合作交流VI.展示提升VII.点拨释疑VIII.当堂检测1. Ask students: Do your parents allow you to watch TV? Yes, they do.Present the sentence: You are allowed to watch TV.Teach “allow sb to do sth “,“be (not) allowed to do sth”,“should (not)be allowed to do sth”Present more sentence.2.Listening:Play the recording, students listen and circle T for true or F for false. Then listen and check the answers.Students look at the statements in la and make conversations.Some students make conversations in pairs in class.Explain the different usages of the phrases below: allow sb. To do sth; allow doing sth. be allowed to do sth.Have students make five sentences using the phrase:be allowed to do sth.Then some students say out their sentences in class. Finally, students correct the sentences with each other.导入新句型学习新句型训练学生的听力技能口语训练,为展示打基础展示学习内容解决学生难以理解的内容获取学生的反馈信息达标训练要点及题源、题数Be allowed to do sth.Five sentences.板书设计 Unit 7 Section A (1a1c)-I dont think sixteen-year-olds sixteen-year-oldsshould be allowed to drive. Get + sth.+过去分词-I agree. They arent serious enough. should(not) be allowed to do sth.教学反思:
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