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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. The First Period Section A 1a2c【Teaching aims】一、听、说、读、写以下词汇及词组:survey, standard, row, keyboard, instruction, double, shall, in a row 二、通过学习,口、笔头掌握下列句型:1) Do you have any special memories?2) I remember losing my schoolbag in Grade 7.3) And were all going to miss this place.4) He gave us really clear instructions so that wed be safe when playing sports.5) I want to go to senior high and then university, so I can study medicine. 三、1. 能听懂关于谈论过去经历的听力材料。2. 能正确使用一般过去时态和现在完成时态和同伴回顾过去的经历,并能用一般将来时态和be going to结构和同伴谈论将来的打算。四、通过回顾过去的经历,学生能培养自己的感恩意识;通过计划将来,学生能树立远大的理想。 Difficulties:正确使用一般过去时态和现在完成时态和同伴回顾过去的经历,并能用一般将来时态和be going to结构和同伴谈论将来的打算。【Teaching steps】 Before listeningWarm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)1. Listen to an English song.T: Time goes by very quickly. Do you agree? Now lets read an English chant.We have changed a lot, but we still remember the things that happened before.2. Work on 1a.Check the things you remember doing at junior high school. Add more to the list.At junior high school, I remember:_ winning a prize _ being a volunteer_ doing a school survey _ a friend helping me with a problem_教学设计说明:用英语歌曲导入新课,用它活跃气氛,激发兴趣。While listeningPresentation(呈现新知识)1. Role-play the conversation and then make new conversations with your partners.Boy: Well, junior high school days are over. Do you have any special memories?Girl: I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.利用图片,学生学习短语,单词,句子和对话。 教学设计说明:以回顾以往印象最深的事为情景话题,练习本课重点短语句型,同时,对后面听力的进行预测。降低听力难度。2. Listen and circle the names you hear.3. Work on 1b. Listen again and match the memory with the person.(听前别忘了速读所给的选项。) _ Marydid homework carefully to meet the standards of a strict teacher_ Frankremembers losing a school bag _ Sarahremembers meeting this group of friends_ Peterhas enjoyed every year of junior high school 4. Work on 1c. List some memories and experiences from junior high school. Share your lists with your partner.Memories and experiencesI remember scoring two goals in a row during a soccer competition._I have learned to play the keyboard in music class._5. Pair workA: Do you have any special memories from junior high school?B: I remember I have What about you ?A: I remember I have 6. 模仿秀:跟读模仿,注意语音语调。教学设计说明:通过听模仿自主对话,进一步巩固本课功能句。7. Work on 2a.Listen to the conversation. Check the facts you hear._ someone didnt like P.E._ someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher._ someone had a health problem._someone joined the school band._ someone liked Mr. Hunts teaching methods .8. Work on 2b.Listen again. Match each question with the name of the person.QuestionAnswer_ 1. Who wants to study medicine?a. Luke_ 2. Who told someone to take a break from running?b. Brian_ 3. Who hurt his or her knee?c. Mr. Hunt_ 4. Who thinks the Thats Life concert is the best memory?d. Lisa9. Listen again and fill in the blanks.Lisa: So Brian, here we are at the end of junior high.Brian: Yeah, Im so happy I dont have to do P.E. again.Lisa: Oh, Brian! But we did have a great P.E. teacher. He _ us really clear instructions so that wed be safe when playing sports.Brian: Yeah, I remember Mr. Hunt was kind when I _ my knee. He _ me to take a break from running. Lisa: What about you, Luke? Do you have any special memories?Luke: My best memory is when Thats Life played at school. Remember we _ a letter to the band about our dream of hearing them play, and they offered to come?Lisa: Yeah, that was so cool. Dont you think that junior high _ _fun?Luke: Yes and a lot of hard work, too! What _ you _ _ _ after you graduate, Lisa? Lisa: I want to go to senior high and then university, so I can study medicine.10. 观察与思考1) 观察所填内容,当我们描述过去的经历时,我们常常使用_时态;我们还可以使用_时态来表示过去发生的事对现在造成的结果和影响。当我们对将来的事作出计划或打算时,我们可使用_时态或_结构。2)remember to do 意为“_”,表示这件事情还没有做; remember doing意为“_”,表示这件事情还已经做了。 练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1) Remember _ (turn) off the lights when you leave the room.(2) I remembered _ (turn) off the lights when I left the room. 完成学习目标一、二。跟读,模仿语音语调。教学设计说明:通过练习,对本课的功能句进行巩固训练。完成学习目标三。After listening11. Work on 2c. Group work. 根据听力材料,练习下列对话:A: Do you remember Mr. Hunt?B: Of course! Hes a great teacher. He gave really clear instructions during P.E. class.C: Yeah, he 教学设计说明:在会听会写的基础上,进一步提升,把本堂课的知识落实到书面上。完成学习目标四。【家庭作业】用第三人称介绍Tina的早晨,并把它写下来。
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