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Unit6 Period 1 sectionA 1a-2d一、学习目标1、词汇 heel scoop electricity style project pleasure zipper daily website pioneer list mention2、短语 the history of inventions be used for the style of shoes with special heels in our daily lives have a point the pioneer of different inventions 3、句型 一般过去时的被动语态,例:When was it invented? I think the TV was invented before the car. But at that time,it wasnt used widely.二、学习重点:一般过去式的被动语态:was/were+动词的过去分词+ (by)三、学习难点: 被动语态的运用。四、导学过程1、 课前预习 掌握下列短语和句子发明的历史_ 被用来做_ 带有灯光的鞋子_ 在我们的日常生活中_ 有道理_ 不同发明的先遣者_ 改变世界的小发明_ 我认为它是在1876年发明的。_2、 情境导入图片或者课件展示P41的一些发明,问:Do you know when it was invented? What was it used for?3、 合作探究看1a图片,然后自己将这些事物的英语名称写在旁边,然后大声朗读。读1a中的对话,自己理解其意思。 听录音完成1b。1c. Pair work.根据课文内容造自己的对话(选择1a中的任一实物)(同桌间先按照示例1c进行对话练习,然后再自行创新,请2对同学口头汇报展示对话,另外2对在黑板上板书对话内容。 其他人做好评委,同时做好笔记。 Eg: A: When was invented? B: It was invented in 3.听录音完成2a,2b。(请同学们认真听,然后说出答案)。2c.Pair work.编造自己的对话(选择1a或2a中的任一实物)(同桌间先进行对话练习,然后再自行创新,请2对同学口头汇报展示对话,另外2对在黑板上板书对话内容。 2d.role-play.先熟读对话,然后角色表演,达到理解和熟练的目的。 4、 点拨总结A. When was it invented? invent (v). 发明,创造. Eg:He has invented a new way of making silk. 他发明了一种制造丝绸的新方法。 Do you know who invented computers? 你知道谁发明的电脑吗? 【拓展】我们学过的以or结尾的表示职业的单词有:_inventor (n). 发明家,创造者,发明者. invention (n). 发明(物),创造 例如: Edison was a great _(invent) who _(invent) 1,093 (invent).BTheyre used for seeing in the dark.它们被用于在黑夜里观看。 be used for表示“被用来做”,介词for表示目的和用途,后面接名词或动词-ing形式。Eg:Paper is used for _ 纸是用来写字的。 Torch(手电筒)is used for_ . 手电筒是用来在黑暗中照明的。When was it invented ?它是什么时候被发明的? 这句话使用的是被动语态:(见课本P143)(1). 被动语态表示句子的主语是谓语动词所表示的动作承受者。(2). 被动语态基本结构:be+及物动词的过去分词(3). 被动语态中的be 是助动词,有人称、数和时态的变化。 一般现在时被动语态为:am/is/are+过去分词 一般过去时被动语态为:was/were+ 过去分词 与情态动词连用的被动语态:情态动词+ be + 过去分词(4). 被动语态中动作的发出者或执行者做介词by的宾语,放在句末,by 表示“由,被”的意思 主动语态: 主语+ 谓语动词 + 宾语 + 其他成分 被动语态: 主语+ be +过去分词 + by +宾语 +其他成分 如:Many people speak English. (主动语态) English is spoken by many people. (被动语态)5、 训练评价句型转换。 A. Kate took good care of the baby yesterday evening .(变为被动语态) The baby _ _ _ _ _ by Kate yesterday evening . B. His aunt bought him a bicycle. (变为被动语态) A bicycle _ _ _ him by his aunt. C. The students clean the room every day. (改为被动语态) The room _ _by the students every day . D. The computer was bought by my father last month. (改为主动语态) My father _ the computer last month. E. This kind of telephone was invented in 1985. (对划线部分提问) _ _this kind of telephone _ ? F. The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the light bulb invented _? G.钢笔用来写字. _. H.电话是谁发明的? _. I.计算机是什么时候发明的?_.
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