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,人教版九年级英语第七单元 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section A(1a-2c) 姓名:李爽 职称:中学二级 单位:王店镇中心学校,Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section A(1a-2c) Wangdian Middle School Li Shuang,My deskmate(同桌) When I was a teenager, my deskmatemy best friend was very cool. She got her ears pierced(打耳洞), but she didnt wear silly(傻气的) earrings(耳环); she had a part-time job(兼职),and she could smoke(吸烟). This song was our favorite one. Several days ago, she said she got the drivers license(驾驶证),but Im worried about her safety(安全). Because I heard a terrible thing about the author of this songGao Xiaosong.,高晓松,中国著名音乐人,毕业于清华大学电子工程系,曾创作同桌的你等一批脍炙人口的校园民谣.2011年5月9日晚22时许,高晓松酒后驾车在东直门十字坡附近连撞4辆车,造成4人受伤.经酒精测验,当时高晓松每百毫升血液中酒精含量为243.04毫克,高出正常含量的3倍多.已构成酒驾行为.后被判拘役6个月并处罚金4000元。,IN PUBLIC,Signs(标示):,MUSEUM,OUTSIDE,GALLERY(画廊),PARK,LISTENING TIME,What does Anna want to do?,Pairwork: Conversation 1: Student A, is talking about rules with his parent. Rules: choose ones own clothes drive without a drivers licence work every night P: I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get your ears pierced.Because they look silly. A: I disagree. I think teenagers should be allowed to wear earrings. Its cool ! ,Conversation 2: Student B, is talking about rules with the head teacher. Rules: talk in class stay up at night do homework with friends H: I dont think teenagers should be allowed to be late for class . B: Yes, I agree. But I think we should be allowed to have part-time jobs. H: Yes, you are old enough. ,LISTENING TIME,2a What does Molly think of Kathys statements?,2b What are their reasons? Number them.,Exercise,1.Twelfth- year-olds should _ (be) allowed to go out every night. 2.Parents should _ (allow) us to choose our own clothes. 3.The book must_ (be write) by Hemingway.,be,allow,be written,Vedio,Life is only once, cherish(珍惜) it!,Make a conversation to talk about the rules around you by using“ should be allowed to do ”,Correct our mistakes by heart.,Thats all ! Thank you !,制作单位: 泌阳县王店镇中心学校 2016.9.27,
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