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Unit 3,Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Section A 2d-3b,墨玉县第二中学 李俊燕,Amusement Park,pirate ship,merry-go-round,part,海盗船,旋转木马,flume ride,激流勇进,flum,ferris wheel,feris,摩天轮,roller coaster,rl kst ,过山车,How do you think the ride?,Do you want to have a try?,Are you excited to try these in the fun park?,H: This is Fun Times Park, the biggest amusement park in my city. A: Im excited to try the rides. H: What should we start? Theres Space World, Water World, Animal World. A:Before we decide, Could you first tell me where the restrooms are? H: pardon? Restroom? You want to rest? But we havent even started yet! A: Oh no, I dont mean that. I mean you know, a washroom or bathroom. H: Hmm.so you mean the toilet? A: Yes! Sorry, maybe people in China dont often use the word “restroom” when they speak in English. H: Thats right. In China, We normally say “toilets” or “washroom” in English. Anyway, theyre just over there. A: Ok. Ill be quick! H: No problem. You dont need to rush!,Read 2d quickly and answer these questions.,1. Where are He Wei and Alice? 2.What fun places does it have? 3.Where does Alice want to go first? 4.What does He Wei think the word “restroom” mean? 5 . What do Chinese say “restroom” in English?,Task 1,Skimming,Read 2d quickly and answer these questions.,1. Where are He Wei and Alice? 2.What fun places does it have? 3.Where does Alice want to go first? 4.What does He Wei think the word “restroom” mean? 5 . What do Chinese say “restroom” in English?,Task 1,Skimming,They are in Fun Times Park.,Space World, Water World, Animal World.,She wants to go to the restroom.,He thinks “restroom” means “a room for resting”.,They say “toilet” or “washroom” in English.,Read the title and subtitles and number the statements in correct order.,_ On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs. _ They decided to go to Water City Restaurant. _ Alice and He Wei are in Space World. _ They asked a staff person and would have dinner at Uncles Bobs restaurant.,3a,1,2,3,4,Task 2.,Read the conversation carefully and answer the questions below.,Why did Alice not want to go on the new ride? What did He Wei suggest Alice do if Alice is scared during the ride?,Because she thought it looked scary.,Task 3.,Scanning,Shout or hold his hand.,3. How did she feel after the ride? 4. Where did they go to have dinner? 5. What is special about Uncle Bobs restaurant?,A rock band plays there every evening.,The Uncle Bobs.,She felt it was fun.,7.What does busy mean in “Its always busy, so come a little earlier to get a table.” ?,6.Should Alice and He Wei get there early for dinner? Why?,It means crowded.,Yes.,Because its always busy.,3b,Underline the questions or statements in the conversation that ask for information. Rewrite them in a different way.,e.g. I wonder where we should go next. Could you tell me where we could go next?,Task 4.,Reading up,Fun Times Park Always a Fun Time! Alice and He Wei are in Space World A: I wonder where we should go next. H: How about that new ride over there? A: Oh . it looks pretty scary. H: Come on! I promise itll be fun! If youre afraid, just shout or hold my hand. After the ride A: You were right, that was fun! I was scared at first, but shouting really did help. H: See, that wasnt so bad, right? You never know until you try something. A: Yes, Im so glad I tried it. Now I know I can do it and its actually fun! H: Do you want to go to Water World now? A: Sure, but Im really hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food quickly? H: Of course! I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. Its a fast food place. It serves delicious hamburgers and hot dogs. A: That sounds perfect! On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bobs. A: Oh, look! This restaurant looks interesting. It seems a rock band plays there every evening. H: Maybe we can come here for dinner later. Lets ask what time the band starts. Alice and He Wei walk up to a staff person at the door. H: Excuse me, could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? S : Eight oclock. Its always busy, so come a little earlier to get a table. H: OK, thanks!,I wonder where we should go next.,Could you tell me where we could go next?,I wonder where we can get some good food quickly?,5. Excuse me, could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?,Excuse me, do you know when the band starts playing this evening?,Could you please tell me if you want to go to Water World now?,4. Do you know where we can get some good food quickly?,2.How about that new ride over there?,Could you tell me how about that new ride over there?,3. Do you want to go to Water World now?,Find sentences in 3a with similar meanings to the ones below.,Youll enjoy it for sure. You should try first before you give up. 3. I want to eat something. 4.There are always lots of people. 5.I suggest we not
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