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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Period 3Teaching aims1. Students are enable to learn some words about bands,movies and books by listening and speaking practice.2. Students can learn to use Attributive Clause to express preferences.Keys & puzzles 1. To get information from listening, use the information to make conversations by themselves.2. The usage of Attributive ClauseTeaching approaches1 Situational Teaching Approach 2 Task-based Teaching Approach Teaching proceduresIn general In welcome to the period, the teacher prepared two pictures and a song which are similar to them in their daily life. Ss use this information to talk about their favorite band. Then show some pictures of famous bands. These are supposed to be an ideal preparation for speaking. According to these songs and pictures, Ss are more willing to talk about their preferences. After Ss discussed their preferences, the teacher can start to train students listening skills. The conversation is happened between Michael and Ali, they are talking about their favorite clothes, writers and movies and why they like these things.After listening, the students discuss their favorite things with group mates and give reasons. They should use the Attributive Clauses. After discussion, the teacher should ask some groups to act their conversations out.In this period, students should master the usage of relative clauses, and finish some exercises.(讨论自己喜欢的乐队、电影、书籍等,运用定语从句描述自己的理由,能准确表达自己的想法、喜好)In detailStep 1 Warming up (15 minutes)Have Ss listened to a song and guess the name of the band, then show some pictures to students and say:” This is my favorite band, I like the band that sings beautiful songs.” PPT1Ask students to listen to a song and guess the name of the band. Then watch a video and tell the name of the band. “Do you like these bands and why?” Ask students to discuss their favorite bands with Attributive Clauses. PPT2After discussion, ask students to write down their favorite band, movie, book, writer and cloth. Then divide them into seven groups to discuss their topics. At last, act them out. PPT3Step 2 Listening practice (12 minutes)1. Things that Michael like 1b Based on the discussion, Ss will practice their listening skills. Read the instructions to the class. Point to the picture and ask students to guess if Michael likes them or not. Why? In this part, the teacher should tell students some listening skills. For the first time, students just listen, the second time, ask the students to write down their answers. This part gives students listening and writing practice.PPT42. Why dose Michael like them 1cRead the instructions to the class, ask students to listen to the key words. When the students get the information, they should just write down the key words, after listening, ask the students to complete the information. This activity gives students listening practice with the target language.PPT53. According to the test, the teacher designs a listening practice, filling in the blanks.PPT6Step 3 Game (15 minutes)First, ask students to watch a video” Where are dads going?” Then ask them to discuss the people and the things they love in the movie.According to the rules of the game, ask some groups to have a competition by using the Attributive Clauses.PPT7Step 4 Practice (3 minutes)Ask students to choose the best answers.PPT8 Ask students to fill in the blanks.PPT9Step 5 SummaryAsk the subject monitor to make a conclusion. PPT10Step 6 HomeworkWrite a short passage about your favorite things, you should useAttributive Clauses with that, who and which. PPT11FeedbackMine First, the pictures and videos make the students are interested in the class. They discussed actively. But the usage of Attributive Clauses is difficult for the students. In this class, I encouraged the students to express their feelings, to talk about their preferences by using the target language. Listening is also difficult to the students, so in the class, I prepared more listening practices. According to these practices, to train students ability to use Attributive Clauses.Yours:
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