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Unit13 SectionA 3a Reading Save the Sharks 教学设计教师:许秀钗 科目:英语 班级:初三(1)班 时间:2017年3月7日一、教学内容: unit3 SectionA 3a Reading Save the Sharks 二、教学目标: 1.知识技能:能够掌握新单词cruel harmful industry ecosystem scientific 能够理解文章大意。 能在文章中获取细节信息。2. 能力技能:能使用相应的短语和表达 hear of cut off no longer not only.but also. be harmful to bring danger to the number of so far3.情感、态度、价值观: 关注世界濒危动物,有环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。3、 教学重难点 通过理解文章,掌握新单词还有重要短语的运用1.教学重点: 理解文章2.教学难点:文章中新单词的理解和掌握四、教学过程:1.导入 图片展示,引起学生对学习内容的兴趣,在导入过程中呈现新单词。cruel harmful industry ecosystem food chain2.速读 理清段落大意。Task 1.Complete the main idea of each paragraphPara1 Some basic facts about_. Para2 Sharks are _ because of peoples _.Para3 We should the sharks.3. 细读 在各段找出相关信息。Task 2. Answer the questions of each paragraphWhere is shark fin soup popular?What do people do to sharks?What does the writer think of peoples behavior?Why does the writer say it is harmful to the environment? Whats the situation of sharks now?Are shark fins good for health?What have people done against finning?4. 复述 通过填词的方式,回忆全文主要内容。Task 3.Retell the passage by filling the blanksSome people like to eat shark fin soup, especially in _ China. When people catch sharks, they _ their fins and _ the sharks back into the ocean. The sharks slowly die because _ the fins they can _ swim. Finning is not only _ but also _ to the environment. Because sharks are _of the food chain in the oceans _. If their number _ too low, it will bring _ to all ocean life. But in fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this _ every year. Sharks are _ now. Environmental protection groups are teaching the public about “finning” and they have asked the governments to _ to stop the sale of shark fin. We should also try our best to _ the sharks.5. 领读 通过领读全文,让学生更加熟悉文章,培养语感。6.提出问题思考:我们应该如何保护鲨鱼,保护我们的环境?7.视频展示 播放保护鲨鱼公益视频,号召学生燃起保护濒危动物,保护环境的责任心。8.布置作业
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