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Unit 6 When was it invented?,Section A(1a-2d),太和县税镇镇中心校 王绍华,课前预习,light bulb,When were they invented?,What is it called?,bike,microwave oven,alarm clock,课前预习,A: When was the telephone invented? B: Well, I think it was invented in .,1885 1876 1927 1971,课前预习,A: When was the laptop invented? B: Well, I think it was invented in .,1985 1986 1982 1981,课前预习,A: When was the camera invented? B: Well, I think it was invented in .,1835 1837 1842 1839,1a Look at the things below. In what orders do you think they were invented? Number them 1-4,Practice,1b. Listen and match the inventions with the years.,_ 1876 _ 1885 _ 1927 _ 1971,d,a,c,b,Practice,_ Shoes with special heels,_ shoes with lights,_ ice cream scoop runs on electricity,2a.Listen and number the inventions in the order.,3,1,2,Practice,2b. Listen again and complete the chart below .,changing,in the dark,serving,Practice,课文解析,1. They are used for 他们被用来 be used for doing sth.表示“被用来做某事”。与be used to do sth. 同义。表示用途、目的。 例: This computer is used to control all the machines. 这台电脑是用来控制所有机器的。 Do you know what this tool is used for? 你知道这个工具是用来做什么的?,课文解析,2. Think about how often its used in our daily lives. 想想在我们的日常生活中会多么频繁地使用它。 think about 表示“考虑,想起”。 例: He is thinking about travelling in the summer holidays. 他正在考虑暑假旅游的事。 She was thinking about her childhood days. 她正回想她的童年时期。,知识拓展,【拓展有关think的短语】 (1)think of 指“考虑, 记忆, 记起” 例: You think of everything! 你全都想到了。 I cant think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字。,(2)think sth. over指“仔细想, 审慎思考, 作进一步考虑”。 例: Please think over what I said. 请仔细考虑我说的话。 I want to think it over. 我想仔细考虑一下这件事。,知识拓展,(3)think sth. out 指“想通, 想出, 熟思”。 例: He thought out a new idea. 他想出了一个新主意。 That wants thinking out. 那件事需要仔细考虑。,知识拓展,3. Well, you do seem to have a point 嗯,看来你说的确实有点道理 have a point 有道理 例: You have a point. we d better do some exercise to keep healthy. 你说的对,我们最好锻炼来保持健康。,课文解析,THE ENDTHANKS,
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