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第第 2727 课时课时 课题课题: UnitUnit 6 6 WhenWhen waswas itit inventedinvented ? ? 时间时间: 九九年级年级 学科学科:英语英语 主备人主备人: 郭朝阳郭朝阳 备课组长备课组长:裴占宗裴占宗 审核人审核人: SectionSection A A(3a-3c)(3a-3c) Teaching aims: 1. 通过学习,牢固掌握本课时的单词、短语和句型。 2. 通过阅读训练,提高阅读能力。 Teaching important points:一般过去时的被动语态。 Teaching steps: Step 1 Autonomic learning A: 默写下列生词和短语默写下列生词和短语 1、意外的 2、统治者 3、 烧开 4、保持不变 5、气味 6、圣人 7、国家的 8、贸易 9、受欢迎 10、疑惑 B:自学自学 P43,找出下列短语,识记并默写(黑体要求默写),找出下列短语,识记并默写(黑体要求默写) 。 1 1、意外地、意外地 2、叫神农的统治者 3 3、在户外的火上、在户外的火上 4 4、落入、落入 5、茶圣 6 6、直到、直到-才才 7 7、少于、少于 8 8、发生、发生 9 9、从、从-到到- 1010、在、在 1919 世纪世纪 1111、毫无疑问、毫无疑问 Step 2 Cooperative learning 1、Read the passage quickly,finish off 3a. 2、Read the passage again and answer the questions (3b) .Then check the answers. 3、再次阅读短文,以小组的形式翻译本课时的重点句型。 Step 3 Knowledge points 1. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink. 此句翻译为: 据说一个叫作神农的中国统治者是最早发现了 茶可以饮用发现茶叶。 拓展拓展: “It is said that -”意为“据说-”引出他后面的宾语从句;本课时有 一个与它相似的句型“ It is believed that - ” 意为“据人们认为-”。 运用:运用:据说一条新的公共汽车路线将于下月开通。 It is that that a new bus line will be open next month. 2. Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time. 此句翻译为: 茶树上的一些树叶落在水里并在水中停留了一些 时间。 拓展拓展: 1) leaves 意为: 树叶 ,它是复数形式,原型是 leaf 。以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词变复数,一般把 f 或 fe 变成 v 再加-es. 如:knife- knives ,wife- wives , thief- thieves ,half- halves 2) fall into 意为: 落入 ;some time 表示“ 一段时间 ”可以作为 名词短语。 3、In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660,-. 此句翻译为: 在英国,茶直到大约1660年才出现。 拓展:拓展:“not- until”意为: 直到-才 ,其中,not 常与句中的 be 动词、助 动词、情态动词缩写在一起。 运用:运用:I didnt watch TV until I finished my homework. Step 4 Exercise 一、单项选择: ( )1. It was invented Edison A. by B. in C. for D. to ( )2. This watch China. A. was made in B. was made by C. was made from D. was made of ( )3. - was the car invented? -It was invented in 1983. A. When B. Why C. How D. Who ( )4. Basketball by people all over the world. A. is enjoyed B. is like C. love D. enjoyed ( )5. Pens are used for on paper. A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote ( )6. It is that a boy Bob won the competition. A. saying; named B. said; was named C. said; named D. saying; was named ( )7. These tea plants are used tea. A. making B. make C. made D. to make ( )8. The rabbit the hole and couldnt come out. A. fell down B. fell off C. fell into D. fell from ( )9. Have you been invited to their party? No,I A. wasnt invited B. didnt invited C. isnt invited D. havent invited ( )10. was this machine invented? It was invented by accident. A. Where B. When C. How D.Why Keys: 1.A 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C Reflection of teaching: 在本节课中你有哪些收获? 有什么没有掌握的知识?请记录下来,不太明白的请询问同学或老师。 Unit 6 When was it invented ? Section A(3a-3c)教学设计教学设计 姓名:郭朝阳 单位:登封市东华镇第一初级中学 时间:2016 年 06 月
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