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人教版九年级英语教案Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.The first periodSection A ( 1a-2d)Teaching aims1.Master the key words and sentences:知识与技能(1) Key words:Prefer, lyrics, Australian, electronic(2)Sentences:I prefer music that has great lyricsI love music that I can sing along with.I like music that I can dance to.I like music hat isnt too loud.2. Be able to express preferences towards music with the structure and the target language.过程与方法Learn to talk about music with the structure “Relative clauses with and who “by listening to the dialogues.情感、态度与价值观1. Express ones preferences to music.2. Remember, music can bring us happiness.重点1 Master the key words and target language.2 Improve students listening and speaking skills.难点How to express preferences to music using the relative clauses with that and who.教学过程Step I Warm upIn the class, let students talk about weather.T:What kind of weather do you like?S1: I like sunny days.T : I like weather that is sunny, too.S2: I like weather that is warm.Step II Presentation (1a)Ask students what kind of music they like? Have them look at the picture and circle the sentences they agree with.( Give them 3 minutes to discuss in pairs to talk about the favorite music with the clause.Sample answers:S1: I like music that is gentle.S2: I like music that makes me relax.Step III listening (1b.2a.2c)1 Teach activity 2aCall students attention to the chart and ask them to read three kinds of music.Read the instruction to the class. And play the tape, students listen and check the kind of music Tony and Betty like.Finally, check their answers.2 Teach activity 2a.Read the instruction to the students and make sure that they know what to do. Lead students to go over the four items in the box with the children. Tell them that relative clause with who is used to introduce a person. Tell the children that we are going to hear a conversation between a boy and a girl ,they are talking about the music and musicians they like. Play the recording. Students only listen the first time. Play the tape again. Ask students to circle T for true and F for false.2 Teach the activity 2bRead the instruction to the students first. Then let them have a look at the chart.Say, we will hear the same recording again. Listen carefully, find out what Carmen and Xu Fei say and complete the sentences in the chart. Finally, invite a student to read his or her complete sentences to check the answers.3 Teach activity 2cGet two students to read the conversation in the box to the class.Read the instruction to the class, ask another pair to ask and answer, using the information from activities 2a and 2b to make sure all the student know what to do.Step IV 2dFirst, ask students to read the conversation silently to get the main idea.Then lead students to read it sentence by sentence, explain some language points at the same time. After that, ask students to practice role-playing the conversation in pairs. Finally invite several pairs to perform for the whole class.Step V In this class, first weve learned a new key word “prefer”. Then weve learned how to express preferences by talking about music ,using relative clause with” that”. Through the listening and speaking practice, we consolidated the target language.Step VI Homework1. Practice reading the conversation in activity 2d.2. 绩优课时第一课时。板书设计 9 I like music that I can dance to.I prefer music that has great lyricsI love music that I can sing along with.I like music that I can dance to.I like music hat isnt too loud.教学反思本节课学生要掌握的是定语从句,这对学生来说是个难点。在教学过程中,我鼓励学生对自己感兴趣的事发表看法,旨在激发学生学习英语的热情。同时,我发现学生对定语从句中何时用who和that掌握的还不是太好。因此在练习时,我结合具体的例子让学生明白who指人,that指人也指物,培养学生学以致用的能力和、独立思考的能力。
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