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Unit 10 教案Teaching contentnit 10 Section A(1a-1c)课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 1 课时授课人Knowledge aims(1) Key Vocabularybow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands, customs(2) Target LanguageWhat are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Theyre supposed to bow.Ability aims. Train students listening ability. Train students communicative competence.Emotional aimsBefore you meet foreigners, you should some customs. In this way, you can act politely and properly.Key pointsTalk about customs and what you are supposed to do.Difficult pointsKnow about customs of different countries.Teaching methods1Scene teaching method2Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening material.Teaching tools 1.A tape recorder2.PPT课件Teaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: Review1.Yesterday we finished Unit 9. In this unit, we learned some ways of asking for information politely and express preferences. Make conversations with your friends.A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that _.2.Write your own sentence:I like music that_.I like musicians _.Step II :New lesson1.Presentation:Step 1 1aThis activity introduces some target language.Let students read the instructions.Point to the two lists of words. Read each word and ask students to repeat it.Put up a map of the world on the board. Ask students to explain where each of the countries is.Suggested answers1Brazil is in South America, next to Peru.2The United States is in North America, next to Canada.3Japan is in East Asia, to the east of China.4Mexico is in North America, on the south of America.5Korea is in East Asia. It is our neighbor.Look at the sample answer. Tell students to guess if they arent sure.Answers1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.aStep 1bThis activity gives students practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Play the tape for the first time. This time, students only listen.Play the tape a second time. Ask them to listen to the recording and check their answers to Activity 1a.Check the answers with the class. Invite a student to read the answers.Step 1cThis activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Read the instructions to the whole class. Point out the example in the box. Ask two students to read it to the class.Step III:Practice:1.In Japan, the people are supposed to _(鞠躬) when they meet for the time.2.Its not polite _(亲吻) the others in public in China.3.I was supposed to arrive at 8:00, but I (到达) at 9:00.4.When we meet Americans for the first time, we should _(握手)with them.5.You must know some _(习俗) before you go to some foreign countries.Step IV:summary: In this class, weve learned some important words, such as bow, kiss, be supposed to, shake hands. Weve also learned the target language What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Theyre supposed to bow.Step V:.homework:Review the target language.二次备课三次备课Bb design:Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section AThe First PeriodTarget Language:A: What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B: Theyre supposed to bow.教后感悟成功之处:不足之处:改进措施:Teaching contentnit 10 SectionA(2a-2d)课时安排共 6 课时主备教师第 2 课时授课人Knowledge aims(1) Key Vocabularygreet, be supposed to(2) Target LanguageHow was the dinner at Pauls house last night?Ability aims. Train students listening ability. Train students communicative competence.Emotional aimsWhen youre invited to a place, you mustnt be late, greet people the wrong way and wear the wrong clothes. That is, you should act according to your hosts customs.Key pointsWhat are you supposed to do when you meet someone?Difficult pointsHow to improve students listening ability.Teaching methods1Listening method to improve students listening ability.2PairworkTeaching tools 1.A tape recorder2.PPT课件Teaching procedures个人意见修订Teaching steps:Step I: ReviewCheck homework. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations according to Activity 1a.A: What are people in Mexico supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B: Theyre supposed to bow.Step II :New lesson1.(2a)This activity provides guided listening practice using the target language.Look at the picture and ask students to tell What is happening.Help students understand that the people are at a picnic.Read the instructions and point to the four mistakes on the list. Ask different students to read the mistakes to the class.Ask different students to explain the meaning of each line in their own words. Listen to Maria talking to a boy about what ha
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