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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to,Section A 1a-2c,四川省达州中学 徐莹,Teaching aims,To understand The attributive clauses To learn to use The attributive clauses “that-”&“who-” to talk about your favorite music and musicians. like prefer music that love people who,country music,classical music,jazz music,rock music,light music,pop music,What kind of music do you know?,dance music,folk music,What do you think of music?,beautiful, wonderful, great, sweet relaxing, exciting, interesting loud, quiet, soft , energetic(精力充沛的,充满活力的), gentle(轻柔的) It makes me happy/excited/relaxed. It has great lyrics (pl 歌词) I can dance to(随着跳舞)it. I can sing along with(跟着一起唱)it.,I like music.,The music is loud and energetic.,I like music that is loud and energetic.,What kind of music do you like?,I love music.,The music is quiet and gentle.,I love music that is quiet and gentle.,What kind of music do you love?,I prefer music.,The music has great lyrics.,I prefer music that has great lyrics.,What kind of music do you prefer?,I like music.,I can sing along with the music.,I like music that I can sing along with.,What kind of music do you like?,I like music.,I can dance to the music .,I like music that I can dance to.,What kind of music do you like?,A:What kind of music do you like? B:I like music that I can dance to. A:What kind of music do you love? B:I love music that is loud and energetic. A:What kind of music do you prefer? B:I prefer music that has great lyrics. A:What kind of music do you like? B:I like music that is quiet and gentle. A:What kind of music do you prefer? B:I prefer music that I can sing along with.,Fast Reading,1b,Listen. Check () the kinds of music Tony and Betty like.,Tony likes music that_. and music that_. Betty prefers music that_. and music that_.,Pairwork:,that is quiet and gentle. that is loud and energetic that I can dance to. that has great lyrics. that I can sing along with. that makes me excited,A: What kind of music do you like? B: I like music that . What about you? A: I prefer music that .,What kind of musicians do you like? I like musicians who_,She is beautiful. She is popular. She sings well. She can play the piano. She can write her own music. who is she? She is G.E.M,Guess who is my favorite musicians?,Fast Reading A: What kind of musicians do you like? B: I like musicians who are beautiful. I like musicians who are popular. I like musicians who write their own music. I like musicians who can play the piano.,I prefer groups that dance well. I prefer groups that are energetic. I prefer groups that play different kinds of music,What kind of groups do you prefer?,dance well energetic play different kinds of music,1. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. T F 2. Xu Fei likes the Australian singer Dan Dervish. T F 3. Carmen likes electronic music thats loud. (adj.电子的) T F 4. Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet and slow songs. T F,adj. 澳大利亚(人)的,2a Listen and circle T for true or F for false.,Listen again. Complete the sentences.,who play different kinds of music,thats loud,who write their own songs,that play quiet and slow songs,2b,2b,Xu Fei: Look,Carmen.These T-shirts are great. Look at this one. Carmen: What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei. I really love the Australians singer Dan Dervish, I like musicians who play different kinds of music. Xu Fei: Hmm,I guess hes OK. Carmen: He is only OK? You must be joking. Xu Fei: Well, I like musicians who write their own songs.Dan Dervish doesnt write his own music. Carmen:Hmm.Well,I think hes great. Xu Fei:The Moderns T-shirt is interesting. Carmen: The Modern are really great. I love electronic music thats loud. Xu Fei: I know you do . But I prefer groups that play quiet and slow songs.,Summary,New sentences: What kind of music/musicians/groups do you like/love/prefer? (1) I like music_ I can dance to (2) I like music _ I can sing along with (3) I love musicians _ dance well. (4) I love musicians _write their own music (5)I prefer groups _play different kinds of music (6)I prefer groups _play quiet and gentle songs In attributive clauses(定语从句),we use “that” for things and “who” for people,that,that,who,who,that,that,Group work: Do a survey,Ask your partners favorite music, musicians and groups and then give a report(You can write the key words when you ask your partner ) Hello, everyone. My name is _, I like music that _, I like musicians who _and I prefer groups that_ As for my partner, he/she likes music that _,I like musicians who _and I prefer groups that_.,Life is wonderful with all kinds of music and musicians.,Can you like music that is bad for our growth? Can you love musicians who dont love our country or people? We should learn how to choose good music and good musicians.,No,No,Homewo
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