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Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,Section B reading,Pair work,How do you learn English well? Do you have any learning habits? Are they good or bad?,listening to music when learning,Is the habit good or bad? Why?,How do you learn English well?,looking up a dictionary when meeting new words,Is the habit good or bad? Why?,How do you learn English well?,Is the habit good or bad? Why?,How do you learn English well?,correcting the mistakes in time,Is the habit good or bad? Why?,How do you learn English well?,asking the teacher for help,阅读策略:Using dictionaries This can help you nd the denition that matches the context of the word in the text.,这可以帮你找到与文中词的语境相匹配的定义。,定义,(使用词典),Creating an interest in what they learn. Practicing and learning from mistakes. Developing their study skills. Asking questions.,2b Read the passage quickly and answer the question.,Which four habits of successful learners are mentioned?,No, he doesnt.,Yes, I do.,Because whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.,Because if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.,Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it.,2) We should keep practicing what we have learned so that we can be good at it.,3) Yes, I do. / . . .,They learn from mistakes.,Taking notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps, looking for ways to review what they have learned, and doing this by reading their notes every day or by explaining the information to another student.,Yes. Because every day brings something new.,每个人天生都具有学习的能力。,能 否,优秀学生通常把兴趣和学习内容联系起来。,学习中创造兴趣,不用就作废,即使=even though,熟能生巧。,知识来源于质疑。,学习是一个终身过程因为每天都有新鲜事物产生。,的一部分,Join a sport. Try your hardest at both your sport and your schoolwork and you should be more than great - youre healthy and on top of your schoolwork.,Review your notes when you have free time.,Dont compare yourself with others. Every day you should only be trying to get better. Focus on yourself. Focus on what you can do to make yourself better. Then, most importantly, go for it!,Get enough sleep. Eat breakfast and lunch.,重复的行为造就了我们。因而,卓越不是一种举动,而是一种习惯。 - 亚里斯多德,
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