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联欢晚会主持人串词开场S:Good evening, thanks for the programme from silver band. Hello, first let me introduce myself. My name is Yanghui Shi. I am from class 4 Senior 1. W:My name is Linjun Wang. I am also from class 4 Senior 1. C:I am susan. I am from class 2 grade 5. X:I am steven. I am from class 2 grade 7.S:Our school is just like a new baby. All students and the teachers work hard in order to improve our achievements. X:Today isnt the last day of this year, but the second last. Now we are welcoming the new year.W:Tonight we invite Principal Wu, Principal Lin, Principal Rong, Principal Zhang to our party. C:Lets welcome.W:As we all know, Gala Day is a very famous occasion in western countries. S:It gives us an opptunity to know the western country about their culture and civilization, and also it gives us a chance to show our own talent.X:Students and teachers are looking forward to this ceremony for a long time. S:And they have already prepared for the performance. W:Now Principal Lin is going to give a talk to us. Lets welcome.节目 1: 快乐的 Gala 果陈美子:今天全校的师生在这里齐聚。今天每个人心中的笑容都灿烂地绽放。今天我们在这里一同庆祝新的一年的到来。现在,就让我们一起在“Gala 果”的舞蹈中拉开狂欢的序幕,沉浸在狂欢的愉悦中。下面,请欣赏小学部的舞蹈快乐的 Gala 果 。节目 2:青春舞曲肖鑫尧:在欣赏完一段欢快的舞蹈之后,大家一定意犹未进吧!下面请大家再来欣赏一首欢快的歌曲青春舞曲 。有请初中部的同学。节目 3:Hip-Hop陈美子:哥哥,你了解 Hip-Hop 吗?肖鑫尧:说不上了解,但多少知道一点吧!我觉得,Hip-Hop 应该算作一种文化。它包括一种音乐风格,街头涂鸦和着装方式。陈美子:你还说漏了一样。肖鑫尧:哦?我说漏了什么?陈美子:还有街舞啊!肖鑫尧:哦。对了,今天,高中部的陈聪颖不就为我们带来了一段街舞吗?陈美子:!活动 1:汤玫捷的贺信施旸辉:我们这次 Gala Day 艺术节还送到一封来自大洋彼岸的贺信。信中这样写道:Dec. 30th, 2005Hi, my dear fellow friends in Xiwai International School: Greetings from Harvard!This is your friend, Meijie. I am doing wonderfully at Harvard. I wish I could have the chance to share everything with you guys in the future.I heard that you guys were going to celebrate the “gala day”. I wish it all the best. I also want to congratulate every one of you for all the efforts you have put and all the achievements you have attained in the past semester. As the very first group of students in Xiwai International School, all of you have more opportunities ever to actualize schools great motto: “Seek Truth; Cultivate Character; Pursue Goodness”.I wish you all the best in this coming semester and new year as well!Your friend,Meijie Tang西外的学友你们好,这里是来自哈佛的祝福。我是你们的朋友汤玫捷。我在哈佛大学过得很好,希望将来能有机会和你们分享我所感受到的一切。听说你们将要庆祝“gala day”。预祝这次活动一切顺利。同时,也祝贺你们每个人在这学期里所付出的努力以及取得的成就。作为西外外国语学校的首届学子,你们能更充分地实现“求真、树人、厚德”的校训。在新年和新学期来临之际,我向大家致以最诚挚的祝福! 你们的朋友2005 年 12 月 30 日Thanks for the wishes from the friend. Who is it? Can you guess? She is Meijie Tang.王琳珺:汤玫捷,我们学校最年轻的学术顾问,现就读于哈佛大学。她是 2005 年被哈佛大学提前录取的两名亚洲学生之一。继被哈佛大学录取之后,她又荣获了“全美杰佛逊总统学者奖” 。日前,又当选为国际学生交流协会主席。她为我们学校和哈佛大学的合作与交流起到了不可估量的推动作用。她是我们最真挚的朋友。谢谢汤玫捷的贺信!节目 4:狐假虎威S:“A donkey in a lions hide” ,Do you know what is it mean?W:Let me see That means I dont know it S:In Chinese 狐假虎威。W:oh, yeah, I got it. S:It doesnt matter. Today the Junior students will show us this story. W:Lets welcome.节目 5:fashion showX:No matter how do you think about fashon, No matter how do you think about environment protecting. The next programme must let see a new idea about them. Lets enjoy the fashion show from Junior Division.节目 6:芭蕾陈美子:姐姐,你平时有在校园里看到拿着芭蕾舞鞋的小学部的同学们吗?王琳君:有啊!我经常会看到啊!你知道吗?我很羡慕他们的。陈美子:哦?为什么?王琳君:小的时候,每当看到那些翩翩起舞的芭蕾演员们,我就特别希望自己能和他们一样。可惜啊!这个愿望到现在还没有实现。陈美子:好遗憾啊!其实,我们学校也有很多同学和你有一样的梦想,今天他们梦想成真了。有请小学部的同学为我们带来芭蕾表演。节目 7: 等待施旸辉:很多同学喜欢唱歌,但多是模仿。很少有同学能够自己创作。但是我们学校恰好就有这样一位奇才。让我们来欣赏这首原创音乐等待 。胡校长施旸辉:为了迎接这次 Gala Day 艺术节,我们学校前期举办了很多赛事。下面有请胡校长宣读高中部的获奖名单。感谢胡校长,请胡校长就座。节目 8:武术X:Eddie, do you know nowadays more and more foreigners like Chinese Gongfu. S:I know that. And we can see many Chinese Gongfu in action movies in Hollywood. Andaccording to them. They like JackyChen best and I like him very much too.X:Really? I will give you surprise.S:For what?X:There are a lot of Gongfu players in Junior 2. And today they will give us an exciting performance.S:What are you waiting for? Lets welcome!活动 2:游戏考考你的默契王琳君:节目 9:小红帽S:Have you ever heard the fairy tale when you was a young child.W:Of course. I know many old fairy tale such as Beauty and Beast, Snow-white, Lion King and Singarala and so on.S:no, no, no. Do you know the famous story the little red hat? This my favorite story. W:Well, today the pupil will give us the performance the little red hat.S:Lets welcome!节目 10:知足知足王琳君:儿时的我们,总是奢望可以留住雨后的那一道彩虹,夏日里的那一阵清风,直到长大之后,才发现那时候的自己总是不能够懂,不能知道足够。有请黄金为我们带来一首知足 。张校长陈美子:前面胡校长为我们宣读了高中部的获奖名单,现在有请张校长为我们揭晓小学部的奖项。请张校长上台。感谢张校长。节目 11:民歌肖鑫尧:在西外生活了几个月之后,我想在提到我们的老师的时候,大家想到的肯定是摩登、时尚这样的形容词。王琳君:今天,这些时尚的老师们却为我们带来了纯朴、纯美的民歌和民族舞。肖鑫尧:让我们乘着歌声的翅膀,随着老师们登上北京的金山,在蒙古草原上放马驰骋,在江南品位茉莉花的芬芳,到大阪城领略姑娘们的万千风情。王琳君:欢迎老师们!节目 12:如此双簧陈美子:双簧是一种很特别的艺术形式,一般由两个人表演,其中一个呢,光说不练,另一个,只做不说,早在清代慈禧太后肖鑫尧:行了行了,你别在这里背书了,要不我们也来试试?陈美子:啊?我们就别在这里献丑了。还是有请我们的专业演员吧!请欣赏高中部欧阳奎和朱雯带来的相声如此双簧 。荣校长肖鑫尧:在揭晓了高中部和小学部的奖项之后,大家一定非常期待初中部的比赛结果。现在,有请荣校长为我们宣读初中部的获奖名单。感谢荣校长!(直接下场不报幕)节目 13:第五元素S:Thanks for the programme from Junior Division.X:By the way, do you know the jaz
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