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1书面表达 :A (观点类)我国大学生就业面临很大的压力。这种现象在你班引起了一场讨论(Is going to university useful?)假如你是高三学生李华,请根据下表内容,向某英文报编辑写一封信,并谈谈自己的看法。注意:1.词数 150 左右。2.可以适当增加细节。1上大学能多学些知识,将来肯定会有用。不然就不能适应快速发展的社会。赞成 70%(认为上大学有用)2 现在公司招聘人员,主要还是看学历。 (education background)1上了大学,毕业后工作难找,有的薪水很低。反对 30%(认为上大学无用) 2有的成功人士也没有上过大学。你的观点(并说明理由) Dear editor,These days we discussed about the graduates difficulty in getting jobs because of the financial crisis. _参考范文:Dear editor,These days we discussed the graduates difficulty in getting jobs because of the financial crisis. In our class 70 percent of the students think that it is useful for us to go to university. Firstly, when in university, students can learn more knowledge. It will be useful for them in the future. Otherwise, they cant adapt themselves to society, which is developing very fast. Secondly, ones educational background is still the most important basis for the companies to employ staff. But there are 30 percent of the students in our class dont agree with them. In their opinion, it is true that graduates find it more and more difficult to find a job because of the worldwide financial crisis. Even if employed, theyre also low paid. Therefore, going to university doesnt seem to be necessary, even it is useless. They show some examples who are very successful but they dont have university experience.In my opinion, it is a good experience for us students to go to university after several years of hard work in senior middle school. We can become strong-willed, brave to face all kinds of difficulties and be full of self-confidence. / I think it is not very useful to go to university. If we have a chance we can go directly to society. We may get much practical experience, which will result in our faster success than graduates. 2B (提纲类)在智能手机日益普及的当下,我们已经跨入了移动时代。智能手机五花八门的功能影响着我们的生活、社交、学习、工作、消费、休闲等各个方面。请你就某一个方面谈谈智能手机带给你的影响以及你对这种影响的看法。要求:根据以上内容写一篇 150 词左右的短文。提示:智能手机:smartphone 微信:Wechat参考范文:Nowadays, it is not rare to see a man walk on the sidewalks, smartphone in hand, completely absorbed in the digital world. Just as what computers once achieved, smartphones are transforming our life in every possible wayhow we socialize, entertain, and study.I used to contact friends by phone or QQ. But now I have switched to Wechat, a popular app that allows people to communicate and to share feelings and daily occurrence with friends. I can also receive the latest news by subscribing to famous websites. It makes me feel so connected with the rest of the world. I am truly grateful for the convenience, connection and comfort brought by this marvelous technology. But meanwhile I feel deeply anxious. To stay informed, I constantly update my Wechat, for which I am often distracted. Therefore, we should be cautious not to fall slaves to the smartphones.3C (图表类)报告显示中国46.02% 居民对城市空气质量不满57.99% 人口暴露于空气质量差的状况下空 气 质 量 好 的城 市空 气 质 量 差 的城 市扇 面 3扇 面 4根据以上图表写一篇英语短文。内容应包含以下要点:1 根据图表描述中国目前的空气状况;2 简要分析产生这种现象的原因;3 试提出改善空气质量的措施。注意:1 可参照图表所给提示发挥自己的想象; 2 词数 150 左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数;3 作文中不得提及考生所在的学校和本人姓名。Nowadays, the air quality in China has raised widespread concern. As is indicated in the picture, _参考范文:Nowadays, the air quality in China has raised widespread concern. As is indicated in the picture, _46.02% of the residents are dissatisfied with the present quality of the air in cities and the percentage of people exposed to bad air is 57.99%. Whats more, the pie chart demonstrates that only 10.67% of the cities can enjoy high quality air while cities suffering from bad air make up nearly nine tenths.It is vital to find out the contributing factors. Vehicles sending out large quantities of poisonous gases, in my mind, are a major source of air pollution. Furthermore, factories that release a great deal of smoke are also responsible for the poor air quality. Besides, burning materials like coal or oil for homes and offices is another major contributor to air pollution.Personally, to make the air quality better, the government and the common citizens 4should make joint efforts. Riding and walking are wise options for public travels. Meanwhile, effective laws are supposed to be made to guarantee good air quality. D (漫画类)一年一度的春运又到了,有人称:“春运就像运动会,一场中国特色的运动会!”根据以上漫画,写一篇英语短文。要求:1. 简要描述图片反映的现象。2. 分析此现象产生的原因(2-3 点) 。3. 提出合理建议(2-3 点) 。4. 词数 150 左右,开头已给出,不算入总词数。Its time for the annual Chinese Lunar New Year travel rush again! Its jokingly considered by some as “ a unique Chinese sports meeting”._参考范文:Its time for the annual Chinese Lunar New Year travel rush again! Its jokingly considered by some as “ a unique Chinese sports meeting”. As is vividly shown in the cartoons above, crowds of people are queuing up for train tickets, including college students on their winter vacation, migrant workers returning home for the Spring Festival and people visiting relatives, etc. But train
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