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Section A Grammar Focus,Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,listen,listening,ear,What is the relationship between body parts and language learning?,say,talk,speak,read,ask,answer,repeat,mouth,vocabulary,speaking,pronunciation,look,see,watch,check,reading,eye,vocabulary,grammar,writing,hand,She learns English by working with friends.,She learns English by making flashcards.,Review - look and say,He learns English by reading the textbook.,He learns English by making vocabulary lists.,He learns English by listening to tapes.,He learns English by asking the teacher for help.,He learns English by watching TV.,She learns English by practicing with foreigners.,Grammar Focus,4a Match the questions and answers.,1. How do you practice speaking? 2. How do you learn new words? 3. How do you improve your writing? 4. How do you practice listening? 5. How do you improve your pronunciation? 6. How do you learn grammar?,a. By watching English programs. b. By listening to a tape and repeating out loud. c. By having conversations with friends. d. By taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot. e. By making word cards. f. By writing e-mails to my pen pals.,1. c 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. d,4b Make sentences using the structure “do sth. by doing” with the subjects in the box and information that is true for you.,math physics chemistry Chinese history geography,e.g. I usually practice my English by taking notes/ speaking English with my classmates / memorizing sentence patterns.,Complete these statements. Use information that is true for you.,I like to practice my English by taking notes / reading books and newspapers / speaking English with my classmates / memorizing sentence patterns. I like to learn math by_ _.,Pair work,I like to practice my physics by_ _. d. I like to improve my chemistry by_ _ . e. I like to practice my Chinese by_ _. I like to improve my history and geography by_ _,4c Check () what you do to learn English. Then interview your partner.,A: Do you learn English by doing grammar exercises? B: Yes, I do. A: How often do you do them? B: .,every day,every week,What about you?,She learns English _ _.,根据所给图示用适当的词汇完成句子。,English-language TV,by watching,2. She learns English _ _.,by reading the,textbook,3. They learn English _ _.,by asking the,teacher for help,4. She learns English _ _.,music,by enjoying,English songs,By+V-ing form,Verb + by with gerund,We sth. do (sth.) by They doing.,How does he do something? she it,He sth. She does (sth.) by It doing.,how 引导特殊疑问句有两种含义 1)表示问候,无须准确回答。 eg. How do you do? How are you? How is everything going? 2)表示“怎样”。,“how” 的用法,eg. - How is your new house? - Its great. - 你的新房子怎么样?- 它太棒了。 - How do you learn English? 你是怎样学习英语的? - I learn English by reading lots of English magazines. 我通过读大量英文杂志学习英文。,注意how和what引导的疑问句是不 一样的, 不能混淆。 how通常对程度或方式进行提问, 意为“怎么样”, 回答通常做状语或表语。 what常对动作的发出者或接受者进行提问, 意为“什么”, 回答通常做主语或 宾语。,比较: 1. How is your summer holiday? It is perfect. (表示程度, 做表语) 2. How did you travel around the world? I traveled by bike. (表方式, 做状语) 3. What do you learn at school? I learn Chinese, English and other subjects. (做宾语),by是英语中比较活跃的一个词。by既可作介词也可用作副词。它词义多,用法广泛。,by,One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low. Thomas Fuller,一个目标过高和过低都会偏离靶心。,一、by+地点名词。 表方位,意为:“在旁边”。 by the lake/river/tree/window/door等。 有时可表:“从旁经过”,多与动词go / walk / pass等连用,By的用法,二、by+时间名词。 意为:“到时(已发生某事),此时谓语多用完成时;最晚、不迟于,在之前”。 By the end of last year, another new gymnasium had been completed.,三、by+名词。 1)可用来表方法、方式、手段 Cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the hour. 城市里的女清洁工通常按小时获得报酬。 2) by+交通工具、交通方式名词 by train /taxi/bus/truck/bike/boat/plane; by land/road/sea/water/air,3)by+抽象名词 I made a coat with my own hands. It was made by hand, not by machine. 我用双手织了一件外套。它是用手工织的,而不是机器织的。 4) by+数量词 With production up by 60, the company has had another excellent year. 产量上升了百分之六十,这家公司今年的业绩极好。,5)by+身体部位名词或衣服名词。 表示被抓住身体/衣物的某一部分,常与动词catch / seize / take / hold / grab等连用 The soldier grabbed the child by the collar. 那个士兵揪住了孩子的衣领。,四、 by+动词 v-ing 意为:“通过,靠,凭”。 He gained his wealth by printing works of famous writers 他通过印刷著名作家的作品而获得了巨大的财富。 He earned his living by fishing. 父母可以通过多跟孩子沟通来更了解他们的孩子。,五、 by的常见短语:,by means of / by way of / by the way/ one by one / step by step / side by side/ shoulder by shoulder/ by oneself / learn/bearby heart / what do you mean by ?,The homework was assigned by the teacher. 这些家庭作业是老师布置的。 They crossed the river by ferry. 他们乘渡船过了河。 Ellen flew to Chicago by way of St. Paul. 艾伦经由圣保罗飞往芝加哥。 I havent got any money by me. 我身上没
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