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机房 试验箱温湿度短信报警设备13916729289 无线数据采集传输h t t p :/f e n f e n g o u .1688.co m / 上海泽汉无线技术有限公司 机房 试验箱温湿度短信报警设备13916729289 无线数据采集传输h t t p :/f e n f e n g o u .1688.co m / 上海泽汉无线技术有限公司 The Economist May 24th 2014 3 Daily analysis and opinion from our 19 blogs, plus audio and video content, debates and a daily chart E E-mail:newsletters and mobile edition E Print edition: available online by 7pm London time each Thursday E Audio edition:available online to download each Friday E The Economist online Volume 411Number 8888 Published since September 1843 to take part in “a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress.“ Editorial offi ces in London and also: Atlanta, Beijing, Berlin, Brussels, Cairo, Chicago, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lima, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Moscow, New Delhi, New York, Paris, San Francisco, So Paulo, Singapore, Tokyo, Washington DC Contents continues overleaf Contents 1 Russia and ChinaVladimir Putin pivots eastward. Should America be worried? Leader, page 10. A long-awaited natural gas deal gives Mr Putin aboost at a time he badly needs it, page 54. Russias new model army, page 32 On the cover Narendra Modis amazing victory gives India its best chance ever of prosperity leader, page 9and promises to reshape Indias politics and economy, pages 20-22 6 The world this week Leaders 9 Narendra Modi Indias strongman 10 Prohibition and drugs Press down, pop up 10 China and Russia Best frenemies 14 The world economy In need of new oomph 15 House prices A very British binge Letters 16 On Piketty, Ukraine, Big Data, Singapore law, crop research, trunks Briefi ng 20 Narendra Modi Promising the good times 22 Reviving Indias economy Modis mission Britain 25 Prison breaks The lesser escape 26 Antiques Money for old rope 26 Inequality The squeezed middle 27 Pricing energy Remote controls 27 The Labour Partys funk Running out of road 28 Politics Its all local 29 Marks they will be paid forbya tax-reform bill thatisalso before parliament. Strikesand demonstrations continued to marthe run-up to the World Cup in Brazil, which beginsnextmonth. Police offi cersand busdriverswere amongthose downingtoolsin protestsoverpay. Move over, Lionel Messi. Evo Morales, Bolivias54- year-old president, signed a contractto playprofessional football nextseason forSport Boys, a Santa-Cruz-based club. MrMoraleswill playforabout 20 minutesin matchesthatfi t in with hisotherjob. Politics The world this week 机房 试验箱温湿度短信报警设备13916729289 无线数据采集传输h t t p :/f e n f e n g o u .1688.co m / 上海泽汉无线技术有限公司 The Economist May 24th 2014 The world this week 7 Other economic data and news can be found on pages 84-85 Addingto the recentseries of bigmergers, AT AstraZenecasshareholders nowhave to decide whetherto insistthattheirboard negotiate with Pfi zer. EBayasked itsnearly150m registered usersto resettheir passwords. The companysaid thatearlierthisyearhackers had gained accessto encrypted passwordsand personal data, butnotfi nancial information, such ascredit-card numbers. It isnotclearhowmanyusers had theirdata stolen. General Motorsannounced furtherrecalls. The total num- berofvehiclesitisplanning to bringin globallythisyear now standsat15.6m, 50% more than the numberofcarsitsold in 2013. Problemsin the latest batch includeairbagsthat could notfullyinfl ate and frayingseatbelts. GMhasbeen stronglycriticised forhaving been slowto recall carswith a defective ignition switch linked to a dozen deaths. John Chambers, the chief executive ofCisco, a makerof networkingequipment, wrote to PresidentBarackObama, warningthatthe National SecurityAgencys surveil- lance programmesare un- derminingcustomers trustin Americastechnologyin- dustry. The lettercame after picturesemerged on the in- ternetshowingNSAemploy- eesopeningboxesofCisco equipment. Netfl ix, Americasleading video-streamingprovider, announced plansto make its service available in Germany, France and otherEuropean countriesbythe end of2014. The move islikelyto increase the load on the internetin Europe: the service, which has 48m subscribers, accountsfor athird ofAmericasonline traffi cduringpeaktimes. Financial spill BP appealed to Americas Supreme Courtovera ruling on howitssettlementwith victimsofthe Deepwater Horizon disastershould be interpreted. On May19th a courtin NewOrleanshad rejected the fi rmsrequestfor a full review. BPhopesto keep the costsofthe settlement from risingabove $7.8 billion; thisdoesnotinclude the costs offi nesand clean-up. Areportbythe OECDsaid that airpollutionin rich countries, China and India iscosting$3.5 trillion a yearin premature deathsand ill health. In the developed world around half the costisattributable to road transportalone. More than 3.5m people die each yearfrom outdoorairpollution. Between 2005 and 2010 the death rate rose by4% worldwide, butby 5% in China and 12% in India. Deutsche Bankdecided to raise 8 billion ($11billion) in newequity, in partfrom
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