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2(X) 5M305S10r, .fx4,.1.LLJJJ11rl.,mU1,.LImJ12131Het i hcNN . MoUfcati on of soy lrne insBl(their a cUI,si ve prpe rti es on wNtsJx. J. Am .1 Clle lll . , 19 5 ,72 : smB510 .Hu an g W N . Adh esive pnrpe rt ies of soy pro te lns m6edd gUan ldi ne hyd(dewJx. J. Arn .BCe n.b. ,2NX) ,7 : ro lB1.Su n X S ,m H , Mo X . Pl as tic pe rfo llllan ce of so ybe an Pro -tein e omne nt s JI . J. Arn . o il e hem . , 1999 , 76 (z) :117B123 .fqo.vAA4Jr.,2(X )3 , 2() (5) : 36B39 .iK.v4qJx.S,2u)X) 3 , 28(12) : 12B15 .vZn4!?Jx.ZS, 2Nrl , 20(4) : 9B12 .v+.Mr.:SpanrseB6B( 1. 5bm x 50 cm )SwLS2(X) 5M305?y?!Vvs0?3wbPIC!A824 mL,OK,s0svs5 . 0 x lB8 . 0lbSPIs01(s8 . 0 x l-7 . 0 x lbV,s0l4,yf,s0v5bPCaSPIgPls0v,?91b)s0sl,v4 . 9 x lB2 . 3 x l,+ys0,fH,?Z7,#7?G1zVvb.!Jl.J2 . 52)1 5+I() SBPu ,Bl=Eq1)211nUm086440 0B0nB,l=-Ou18ff4 8 6 3 78 9fl()8 2 3 13gN;)( . :. r )3 8 33 4 8 63 78!A8) )9 3 1q)8 123 138 18 33 48 6 3 78 93 108 123138!A8( , ral )(m)3m4 5!wL2xW J.ylUa nte ins : the ir(l)Hq/vYv,VPCA4,SPI5VCz?bvfiAYb(2)vV1,as0sV,z#Vz?-4,vs0s5,Hs0#9?#1Yb(3)|v?,s0s,V8In,?zdv?bID:wlrlle :aa n ss , )raA M . Memhods (ob; u dyinge tioncha lu Cteri s-timcsbv e!aBe p1no te in sJr. J. o ile lle lll .e . ,B979 , 56(3) :lB227 .ysie al ppe rt ie s Jrx. Jo lu llal656B6r.Fetio n|, ehe7e al an dof Ac ul tur al an d Fx lChe m istry , 1970 , 4 5 :3xN5 p Vout sinas , Elai ne Ch e uf, Sh llry o Nakai. Relatio n -sh ips of hydlpho bie ity to e n ltdsi:pro pe rt ie s of he at de na -tLuqnro te in sJx. Jo lllllalof Fc Kx l?ienc e , 1983 , 48 :26B32 .xNCai SJ . Stru ctlllFm c tionati o ns hiWof ft xx ll)nei nsthe lllphas is on the illllxrrt al lce ofate in llydn p ho bicityJj.u rnof ActuIx I Che r;slly , 1983 , 31 : 676B68 3 .q5rPe , e K N ,815e la J E . Elllzsi:ngUdies of Pro tei ns :e vuatl on of a tU rbidim ebic tec hni qu eJ3. Jo um al of Ac ul -tu ra1 FaxChem ist, 197 8 , 26 :716B723 .q6r,H,F,.18EvqJr.v, l7 , l6( 1): 5B58 .7ry.3LZEM3.:v, l(4 .q8xJeanBLu C Co tulhaud o n , Jean- Mi e hel Gird et , Sabi n e Cam-pale . StuJce ac tive a nq1em ul si fying pn )pe rti , of case in mi -ce le s c oln pa red to th 0 Se ofEliuln case inateJ3. Int em abo0DaiVJourn al , lmSy, (9) : 411B412 .Com Pa ri so n of em ul slIng pro Pe rtles an d m e chaul snmof soy Pro teinSYIN Ju n , H UA YuBfe i , LU JianBjia n , ZHANG W e i(S(c1of F,Jxsc ie nc e &#c hn o la, Jian , an Un ivers ity , 2140 36 Jiallgsu Wux i , Chin a)Abs tra ct : SPC , FS PC , SPI ,*Pl an d sod iu m e as e in we re stu die d to de te rm in e th e1lat ion sh iP be twe e n th e e m u lsifi -(cati( , n an (l ; 1itr( , 1 solu bility(NSI) , sulxhC e hyd ro pho bie ity , alld mo lc ular we ight di stri bu ti on ( MWD ) .Fe resu ltsshiBw:that tBe le wegre at dinre r e e in e m u lsifi e a tio n of fo u r kin ds of soyte in s bu t no t in in te rfa c e te ns ion . It wasfo um,q1 that eb, u lsifyin g pe rt ie s irov e d wi th the in e re as of NSI . Su lCeydro phobie ityBld MWD we ,rimsan tto t0leb, ;, lu lsimaqcatia, ne emu lsifyin g prort ie s of thete in s stu died e ou ld be more ac e u m telyexn la in e (1and pietedu sin g NSI , s urfance hydx.on hobie ity anqI MVrtothe r .Ke , , wo rds : soy pro te in ; emu lsifyin g pro pe rt ie s : in teCe te n sio n ; NSI; stlo)e llyd ro pllo bic ity ;)le Cu lar we igh tdistritio n (MWI) )
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