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How to popularize this credit card business in middle class?如何在中产阶级中推广这项信用卡业务1.创建一个研究的计划,包括主要数据的收集(大概是调查的方式和数据的来源问题)2.分析这些数据,得出必要的结论(如何解决这一问题的结论对这个丹麦公司的介绍the introduce of Denmarks biggest bank Denmarks biggest bank, Dansk Bank, will cut 2,000 jobs as part of a three-year savings programmer, it said on Tuesday as it posted a surprise third-quarter net loss amid poor global economic growth.上网搜大概介绍一下,标明数据的出处现阶段中国的信用卡市场的状况At the present stage the credit card of market in chinaThe credit card industry in China is developed late than western countries; the development strategy in china is relatively simple. Theres large amount of credit card, but activate rate is very low. 我国信用卡行业比起西方发达国家来说起步晚,发展战略相对简单。信用卡的发卡量大,但是激活率低 近几年中国的信用 所以我们需要开办一种适合中国市场的信用卡,这样才有发展的空间So we should launch a kind of credit card which is suitable for maket中国中产阶级某些独特的制度特征 the unique system characteristics about middle class in china1) 、30 岁左右的年轻群体为主 take the age of 30 young people as the principal group.2) 、对政治的参与缺乏热情 they lack of enthusiasm political participation3) 、缺乏资本主义社会普遍存在的代际继承特征 lock the ubiquitous of intergenerational inheritance characteristics with capitalist society中产阶层的忧虑 The anxiety of middle class忧虑:Anxiety 对淘汰尤为恐惧,不论在生理、年龄上,还是在心理、知识上。追求创新。 Be afraid of fall into disuse, whatever in physiology, age, or knowledge. Chase innovates.我们需要根据中产阶级的消费心理推行适合他们的卡 We should pursue a suitable card according to the consumption psychology in middle class中产阶层的消费心理 Consumption psychology of middle classIntegrated the characteristics of the middle class in china, Consumption demand and attitude toward work, finally summarizes the conclusion.综合中国中层阶级的特征、消费需求、工作态度、忧虑、及消费热衷总结一下几点:1. Consumption of experience.1、消费经验的积累 2.In the consumer orientation more focus on the advice of experts.2、在消费取向上更专注专家的建议 3.Because of the quickly life and stress in modern life ,people look for a simplify way to consumption.3、由于生活节奏的加快以及生活压力的加大,购物的时间在缩短,消费的方式力求简化。4. High-end consumer. Sometimes they need some petty loan, so the credit card will have the market. 5、中产阶层的消费类型属于淡漠购物的高档消费型中产阶级的消费者有不同的消费观念,我们需要根据他们不同的消费观念和消费习惯来设立不同的信用卡,从而在中产阶级中占取一个较大的市场。Middle class consumers have a different concept of consumption,we should Set up different credit card according to the different concept of consumption and consumption custom. Then we will have take a larger market in the middle class. 我国银行信用卡销售渠道主要有三种:There are three Mainly Sales channel in our bank credit card. Outlets sales model Credit card center is usually through administrative orders will be mission down to network, and the Banks are forced to type sales outlets.网点销售模式。通常是信用卡中心通过行政命令将任务下放到网点, 银行网点进行被迫式销售。 Bank direct sales modelSome strong bank by establishing their own credit card marketing team, using direct sales model actively promote their products.银行直销模式。一些实力强的银行通过建立自己的信用卡直销团队, 运用直销模式主动地推广产品。 Outsourcing sales modelBank through outsource to other enterprise to reduce costs, and distribution company to pay a certain sales commissions.销售外包模式。银行通过将业务外包给其他企业以降低成本, 并向销售代理公司支付一定销售佣金。The three sales model in essence is consistent, As far as possible is universal credit card, Pursue the credit card number. Credit card marketing cant combine their own national culture, cater to the main consumption demand, and blind pursue hairpin priority scale.这三种销售模式在本质上是一致的, 都是尽可能地普及信用卡, 追求信用卡数量。信用卡营销不能结合本国文化特色, 迎合消费主体需求,盲目的追求发卡优先规模。.信用卡的营销策略 Marketing strategy of credit card 需要重点扩展的内容我们可以采取几种有利于在中国的中产阶级开拓市场的策略We can take several strategy of the middle class in China to develop the market 价格策略。Pricing policyCustomers used to buy the price of credit card service include year cost, transfer fee, overdraw accrual, capital precipitation and report the loss of STH fill card fee, etc. Due to competition is intense, credit card customers especially new customer price high sensitivity, lowering the price is the most basic credit card marketing strategy. The most typical is free to do card, release fee, free transfer, etc.客户用于购买信用卡服务的价格构成包括年费、转账手续费、透支利息、资金沉淀及挂失补卡费等。由于竞争激烈,信用卡客户尤其是新客户的价格敏感度较高,降低价格是最基本的信用卡营销策略。最典型的是免费办卡、豁免年费、免费转账等。开卡免年费,刷卡免年费,积分抵年费,终身免年费,礼品馈赠,消费积分奖励,现金回馈,特别推广期优惠。10.综合优惠即从鼓励开卡到鼓励刷卡,再到鼓励多刷卡的综合性奖励措施,如台新银行在“新光三越白金卡”的推广中采取了“办卡送好礼、刷卡送现金、刷卡满额抽、点数三倍送”的办法。1.2. 服务策略。Service strategiesImprove the credit card basic service and provide high value-added service is the issuer to attract and stable customer the important means. In the credit card market in the early stages of the competition, the bank in raise the basic service quality often fluctuation kongfu, such as improving ATM different-areas automatic banking of convenience, increase the scope of the POS networking, optimize the expenses and households, and authorized, report the loss of STH, filling card service. When competition after the development degree, service strategies he turned to increase credit card additional services up, such as credit card with shopping discount, free shopping and travel security, flight mileage integral, long distance telephone
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