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SectionUsingLanguage,SummingUp&LearningTip,一,二,三,四,一、从方框中选出适合其相应图片的职业 A.photographer B.designer C.journalist D.printer E.editor,B,D,C,E,A,一,二,三,四,二、 将单词与相对应的释义搭配起来 A B 1.edition a.correct and true in every detail 2.department b.to deal with 3.accurate c.having a higher position,level,or rank 4.senior d.the form a newspaper is produced in 5.polish e.most important 6.chief f.an arrangement for a meeting 7.process g.a section of a large organization such as a government,business,university,etc. 8.appointment h.to make something shiny by rubbing it 答案:1.d 2.g 3.a 4.c 5.h 6.e 7.b 8.f,一,二,三,四,三、阅读文章GETTING THE “SCOOP”,找出含有下列词组的句子,并把这些词组译成汉语 1.ahead of 2.set to work 3.pass on 4.be happy with 5.make a coloured page 6.a real scoop,在前面,着手工作,递给;传给,对满意,制作一张彩页,真正的独家新闻,一,二,三,四,四、阅读文章GETTING THE “SCOOP”,把下面一份报纸的制作流程补充完整 1.Journalists people and write stories. 2.Photographers take of important people. 3.Photos are quickly. 4.Editors the report carefully. 5.Copy-editors the headline. 6.Chief editors the report and it. 7.The newspapers are . 8.The newspapers are delivered train and truck.,interview,photos,developed,check,write,read,approve,printed,by,1,2,1.We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers. 我们这一版就要用,这样我们就抢在其他报纸的前面了。 考点ahead of在前面 【高考典句】(2015湖北高考)The pony responsible was queuing up for some ice cream in the car park near Haytor,and perhaps thought Id jumped in ahead of him. 负(咬人)责任的小马正在海特附近的停车场排队等着吃冰淇淋,也许认为我插队了。 She left Guangzhou two days ahead of me. 她比我早两天离开了广州。 归纳:ahead of既可以指空间上在前面,也可以指时间上早于某人。,3,1,2,ahead重要短语归纳: ahead of time提前;提早 ahead of schedule(比原计划或规定时间)提前 go ahead前进;继续干;说下去 get ahead of 超过,3,1,2,活学活用 语法填空 1)(2015广东高考改编)With long lives ahead them,they need to stay active and be devoted. 2)The teacher told the students not to write on the paper yet,but John went and wrote his name. 完成句子 3)汤姆跑得很快,不久就在其他人的前面了。 Tom ran very fast and soon the others. 4)她在班上总是遥遥领先。 She is always the rest of the class.,of,ahead,got ahead of,well ahead of,3,1,2,2.Last of all,the chief editor read it and approved it. 最后主编审读了这篇稿子,并且批准发表了。 考点approve vt.赞成;认可;批准 The conference approved a proposal for the reform. 会议通过了改革的提议。 【高考典句】(2015江苏高考)To make yourself obey what you approved was freedom. 使自己遵守认可的东西就是自由。 I need to meet with the board again to have them approve my changes. 我需要再跟董事会(成员)碰面,让他们批准我修改的(内容)。,3,1,2,1)阅读下列句子,体会approve的相关搭配及意义 I quite approve of your plan. 我非常赞同你的计划。 搭配:approve of sth 意义:赞成某事 Im afraid that your father doesnt approve of you being here. 恐怕你的父亲不同意你在这儿。 搭配:approve of sb doing sth 意义:赞同某人做某事 2)同根词:approval n.赞成;承认;正式批准,3,1,2,活学活用 语法填空 1)We dont approve students staying up late. 2)It is said that this plan will be (approve) by the Department of Education,which will be of great help to the students in the poor areas. 3)Do the plans meet with your (approve)? 完成句子 4)他没有批准我的建筑计划。 He my building plan. 5)妈妈不赞成她出国。 Mother abroad.,of,approved,approval,didnt approve,doesnt approve of her going,3,1,2,3,3.All the information was then ready to be processed into film negatives. 此后,所有的报道材料就要被制成胶片。 考点process vt.加工;处理 Supermarkets sell many vegetables that have been processed. 超市出售许多已经加工过的蔬菜。 One has to process a photographic film to print pictures from it. 必须先处理照相胶片才能冲印出相片。,1,2,3,1)阅读下列句子,体会process的词性及含义 【高考典句】(2015天津高考)The process is more important than the result. 过程远比结果重要。 词性:名词 含义:过程 They are using a new process to make glass. 他们正在用一种新方法制造玻璃。 词性:名词 含义:方法 Have your photographs been processed? 你的照片冲洗了吗? 词性:动词 含义:冲印,1,2,3,2)常用短语: in the process of 在过程中 be in process在进程中 in process of time随着时间的推移;逐渐地 The house is in the process of being built. 这座房子正在建造中。 In process of time,the road will be completed. 随着时间的推移,这条公路就要竣工了。,1,2,3,活学活用 语法填空 1)The engineer invented a new process dealing with the scientific data. 2)They are still the process of moving house. 句子翻译 3)我们将很快处理你们的计划。(process) 4)这些方法在学习过程中起着重要作用。(in the process of),of,in,We will process your plan soon.,The/These ways play an important part in the process of learning.,
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