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Module8Unit1,Therearestoneanimals.,WeifangChina-SingaporeBilingualSchool PanJingjing,Lets sing a song about animals. Donkey, donkey,Brain Storm,giraffe,duck,monkey,cow,horse,tiger,bird,duck,snake,mouse,ant,fish,tiger,lion,panda,camel,shark,lion,donkey,pig,rabbit,dog,elephant,wolf,cat,elephant,fox,the Ming Tombs,There is a video . Lets enjoy it.,How many stone animals are there?,How many stone animals are there?,There are 24.,What animals are there?,There are,There is,a book.,a monkey.,a girl.,an elephant.,.,some books.,5 monkeys.,many girls.,6 elephants.,.,Tips: There is There are 表示 在有,Is it a monster?,Lets repeat and try to imitate.(模仿) Pay attention to “There is” “There are”.,Lets read in roles.,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,There is / There are,Describe a beautiful place. (描述一下你去过的地方),Tips: 1.尽量用到学过的句子和单词! 2.黑板上的句型会对你有帮助哦!,1. Recite the text fluently. 2. Describe the beautiful place to your family with “There is” “There are”.,Homework:,Thanks for joining us!,
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