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,语篇模拟1:在下面短文空格处填入一个适当的词。 I went to the seaside to spend my holiday last summer holiday with my faily. One day, I was swimming in the river _ someone shouted, “ Look out. There is a shark not far away!”On hearing the shout, I was scared to death _ I was well aware of its dangerous characteristic. “ Just dont worry, Tom!” my father said to me. “ but lets go back to our hotel and we can avoid Being harmed. We stayed in the seaside for about two weeks. _ the weather was much hotter than that In my hometown, I got used to it.Every morning,when,because,Although,I got up earlier than my parents and went for breakfast ahead of time. Then I went to have a chat with my new friend, John,_ I happened to come across during my holiday. John was a native_ was familiar with the seaside well. He was a man with good qualification. Soon we became very good friends. _ we parted, we have been kept writing to each other. Now, I still often hear from him. We talked in our letter about things and persons _ we remembered in the seaside.,who/whom,who,Since,that,语篇模拟2.在下面短文空格处填入一个适当的词。 When I put forward the suggestion _ he go to work in the countryside, he promised to take it into consideration. He, _ name is Wang Lin, just graduated from an agricultural university in Guangzhou. Of course, it wil mean living in the countryside for at least three years or more _ he returns to the city.Wang Lin studied hard at university. _ he had time,he would go to the library or reading room to refer to information _ he needed.I would like him to work in the countryside just _ he could help rid people there of hunger by expanding,that,whose,before,whenever,that,because,by expanding the output of crop. In this way, it will make _ possible to get most of people to improve their living conditions, _ is the policy of our country. I know there is little entertainment in the far-away area in the countryside. I shall give him the violin I bought the other day. So that he can play it sometimes. But only _ he comes to see me this evening shall I give it to him.I shall also tell him to be modest _ working with the farmers even if he knows more scientific knowledge than they do. Do you think _ he will follow my advice? Of course he will.,it,which,when,when/while,that,_ I am not his mother, he always regards me as his. He always believes _ I say to him.,Although,whatever,. 阅读材料,在空白处填入适当的内容。 Do you know whats the 1. _ (differ) between the Internet and the World Wide Web? The Internet has been around a long time. It was started in 2. _ 1960s by the US military (军方) and later used at universities and laboratories. Later on it began to spread to 3. _ (person) computers, or PCs, as well. Basically, its just a big collection of millions of computers and cables (电缆) connected together like roads and highways.,difference,the,personal,In 1989, a British computer scientist, Tim Berners-Lee, 4. _ (work) at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Switzerland, wanted to be able to access files on different computers there. At that time screens were just full of text. It was good for exchanging information, but looked boring. This problem 5. _ (solve) by using something called HTML, with which pictures and sound could be displayed and exchanged. Also, a URL, 6. _ is like an address, allowed you to find files on different computers.,working,was solved,which,Tim Berners-Lee, 7. _ the help of a Belgian computer scientist, Robert Cailliau, brought all these things together and the World Wide Web was born. The World Wide Web is a big collection of HTML pages on the Internet; free software called browsers (浏览器) allows you to jump from one web page to any 8. _. Now, there are about 65 billion web pages or sites published on the World Wide Web for you 9. _ (explore), each with its own URL. 10. _ in a way its like a huge system running on the Internet.,with,other,to explore,So/Thus,. 阅读材料,在空白处填入适当的内容。 The marathon is a most important event at the Olympic Games. It has a legend 1. _ (attach) to it: Pheidippides was an ancient Greek soldier 2. _ fought at the Battle of Marathon against the Persians in 490 BC. It 3. _ (say) that when his army had won, Pheidippides ran all the way to Athens 4. _ stopping. After delivering his message of “glory”, he died of exhaustion.,attached,who /that,is /was said,without,To compete in a marathon, one has to run about 42 kilometers. The top 5. _ (run) do it in a little over two hours. That means they have to keep 6. _ average speed of 20 kilometers an hour. Can you imagine the physical pain they must go 7. _ to do that? Nowadays a marathon is an event for everyone. Every year, hundreds of marathons are held all over the world and thousands of people enter them.,runners,an,through,Its not just 8. _ (profession)
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