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Unit 2 The environment Task 同步练习I. 单词拼写请根据句意及所给首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子。1. The other day I saw a lot of people q_ up to buy tickets for a concert.2. Farmers here still plant and harvest their c_ by hand.3. Have you ever heard of the proverb,“A bird in the hand is worth two in the b_”?4. Due to the new traffic law, cases of drunk driving have d_ sharply.5. Its high time that effective m_ be taken to reduce the emission of CO2.6. The TV show, Chinas Got Talent, has a large audience, r_ from children to old people.7. It was the event that led to the _(管理部门)being reformed.8. The heavy rain lasted for several days, _(淹没)nearly half of the county.II. 单项填空请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1. Desertification is a name for _ happens when farmable land turns into desert. A. whichB. that C. whatD. where2. I suggest more effective steps _ to prevent sandstorms _ a cleaner city. A. to take; buildingB. to be taken; to build C. be taken; buildingD. be taken; to build3. _ two meters by one meter, this table is big enough to treat the guests to dinner tonight. A. MeasuredB. Measuring C. To measureD. Having measured4. When she went back to her home town, memories of childhood came _ back. A. floodingB. to flood D. floodD. flooded5. A turning point of the high house prices wont appear suddenly because there must be a certain process _ many factors lead to the change. A. whichB. what C. whereD. that6. Chinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal site(门户网站)in China, _ news, business information and learning materials. A. to provideB. providing C. providedD. provideIII. 阅读理解AWhen Susan and Steve Balog first dealt with the sudden loss of their 26-year-old daughter Emily killed in late November in an accident in Paraguay, they knew it was much too soon to ask why she was taken from them.Even if there was an answer, in early December when Susan Balog was delivering Emilys eulogy(颂词),she knew that no one could understand it.As difficult as it was, the Balogs dont want to focus on the sadness. They try not to always think of it almost three months later. People asked then and continue to ask now: What can we do for you? To that question, the Balogs do have answers.“Prepare a meal and share it. Make a commitment(承诺)and keep it. Look beyond yourself,”Susan Balog explained in her eulogy. “Look beyond your sadness, your yard, your street, your belief and your country,”she said.“Make this place we love a better world. You are the best. You are here to help us celebrate our precious Emily and her bright light. Follow her lead to a good life.”Growing up in Burlington, Emily was a dedicated(有奉献精神的)Girl Scout, earning the honored Gold Award for her work teaching children art. As a member of First Reformed United Church of Christ, she learned to serve others. She served shut-ins(不能外出的人)a hot meal every Christmas through Alamance County Meals on Wheels. She helped build houses for fellow North Carolinians struck by natural disasters.It was a speech given several years ago by Michelle Obama in Raleigh that in many ways inspired Emilys decision to go into the Peace Corps. The special meaning of Obamas speech was “moving out of your comfort zones”, Susan Balog remembered.1. According to the first paragraph, we learn that _. A. the Balogs decided to make it clear why Emily died B. the Balogs didnt find any answer to Emilys death C. it was too sudden for the Balogs to believe Emilys death D. the Balogs heard their daughter was killed in an accident2. What is the Balogs answer to peoples question? A. Think more of others instead of yourself. B. Look further instead of only the present. C. Dont be sad even if your relatives die. D. Dont always stay in your own country. 3. In Susans view, the best way to remember Emily is _. A. not to ask them the same question any more B. to follow her example to help others live better C. to join the Peace Corps as Emily did in her life D. to let her have a good rest in heaven peacefully4. When was this text probably written? A. In November.B. In December. C. In January.B. In February.5. We can learn from the text that Emily _. A. was brought up in North Carolina B. was once received by President Obama C. once worked in a company in Paraguay D. once taught children art and earned an awardBImagine sitting down at your keyboard, typing in your user name and starting work right awayno password needed. Thats an idea that Darpa(the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency),part of the Defense Department, wants to turn into a reality. It will develop a program that determines, just by the way you type, that you are indeed the person you say you are. Darpas purpose is to sponsor revolutionary research
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