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,Unit 3 My school calendar,A Lets talk,Lets play a game : Catch the helicopter,My school calendar,Easter,February,April,May,June,school trip,January,Tree Planting Day,sports meet,March,singing contest,football contest,We have _in April.,Easter party,March 三月,April 四月,May 五月,March, March, March is in _. April, April, April is in _. May, May, May is in _. March, April, May,they are all in_.,spring,spring,spring,spring,They are all in spring.,spring,fly kites,go on a picnic,go for a walk,plant trees,watch flowers,What do you often do in spring?,We have a few fun things in spring .,some,在 春天我们有一些快乐(有趣)的事情.,a few = some,一些,things,事情,Easter party is fun. There are a few fun things in Easter.,About Easter 关于复活节,复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。它庆祝的是基督的复活,即耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后三天复活。复活节象征重生和希望。 世界各地的基督徒每年都要举行庆祝,西方的复活节比较正宗,节期大致在3月22日至4月25日之间,今年的复活节是4月5日。典型的复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系:鸡蛋、小鸡、小兔子、鲜花,特别是百合花是这一季节的象征。鸡蛋和小兔子在西方是新的生命和兴旺发达的象征。鸡蛋的本色象征太阳,把鸡蛋染成红色则象征生活幸福。,关于复活节,Easter Eggs:象征新生命,预示着新生命的降临,蛋壳无法限制里面正在孕育的新生命。新的生命一定会从Easter Eggs中冲脱出世。 Easter Bunny:欧洲古老的传说中,野兔是一种终日不闭眼的动物,它们能在黑夜里观看四周其它的动物。因此,野兔就代表着那黑夜中一轮皎洁的明月。再加上Easter 日子是以春天月圆为基准,于是春天繁殖力很强的野兔就成为了Easter 一个象征。美国人为兔子取了一个可爱的名字,叫她Easter Bunny(复活节兔子或叫复活宾尼兔)。 Easter hats Easter chicks,Easter Bunny,Easter hats,Easter chicks,Easter flowers,fun things,We have a few fun things in Easter.,We have a few fun things in spring.,We have a few fun things in _. We have a few fun things in _. We have a few fun things in _. March, April, May,they are all in_.,March,April,May,spring,Group work:,sports meet,Next week, they will have a sports meet.,Who will go to the sports meet next week?,Listen and tick,March 24th Dear parents, Please come to the sports meet next Friday.,invitation 邀请函,Zhang Pengs parents,Mikes parents,Task1: Read and underline the activity,sports meet,Easter party,school trip,读一读,并且划出活动,Task2: Listen and answer 1.Mike and Zhang Peng have a few fun things in spring. What are they? 2.When is Easter Party? 3.When is the school trip?,Task1: Listen and answer 1.Mike and Zhang Peng have a few fun things in spring. What are they? Sports meet, Easter party and school trip. 2.When is Easter Party? 3.When is the school trip?,Its in April.,Its in May.,Mike: We have a few fun things in spring.,After the sports meet, we have an Easter party.,Zhang Peng: When is the party?,Mike: Its in April. We have a school trip, too.,Zhang Peng: When is that?,Mike: Its in May.,Zhang Peng: Cool!,Lets talk,Task3: Fill in the blanks,Mike: We have _ fun things in spring. After the _, we have an Easter party. Zhang: _ is the party? Mike: Its _ April. We have a _ ,too. Zhang : _ is that? Mike: Its in _. Zhang: Cool!,a few,sports meet,When,in,school trip,When,May,Task4: Pair work,Goup work,在不同的季节还有什么节日和有趣的事可以做呢?根据主情景图,三人一个小组编一个新对话吧!,We have a few fun things in _. We have _ and _. When is _? Its in _. What do you usually do in_? When is that? Its in _.,供选择的句子:,Lets try,1.英汉连线,并读一读。 1)in March a.运动会 2)school trip b.唱歌比赛 3)Sports meet c.在三月 4)Easter party d.复活节晚会 5)singing contest e.学校郊游 2.选一选,读一读。 ( )1. _ is Tree Planting Day? Its in March. A. What B. When ( )2.Winter vacation is _ February. A. in B. on ( )3.We have a few fun things _ spring. A. in B. on ( )4. When is May Day? Its in _. A. June B. May 。,达标检测,A,B,B,A,A: When is the Easter party?. B: Its in April. A: When is school trip? B: Its in May. a few一些 Easter party 复活节,Homework,1.Listen and read P24. (听录音,朗读,请注意语音语调。) 2. Do a survey.(调查家人的生日所在月份。),April 四月,May 五月,March 三月,
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