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Unit Five Do you like pears?,Part A Lets talk,PEP小学英语三年级下册,执教者:袁子婷 柳州市白沙小学,Lets chant,Like, like, I like eggs. Like, like, I like milk. Like, like, I like dogs. Like, like, I like cats.,fruit 水果,Do you like these?(你喜欢这些吗?),Learning Aims (学习目标): 1.能听、说、认读三个水果单词:apple, pear, orange 2. 能听懂并会运用句型:Do you like? 询问别人是否 喜欢某种水果,并能用Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 对别人 的询问作出回答。 3. 能够理解对话大意,正确朗读Lets talk部分的对话, 注意模仿语音语调。,Fruit shop 水果店,buy some fruit 买一些水果,Guess the riddle 猜谜语,apple,pear,Guess the riddle 猜谜语,orange,What is it ? (它是什么?),Guess the riddle 猜谜语,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,Yes, I do.,No, I dont.,What fruit does Sarah like? ( Sarah喜欢什么水果呢? ),Task 1 :Listen and choose 任务1:听录音,选择Sarah 喜欢的水果。,A,B,C,Task 2 : Watch the video 任务2: 看动画,Task 3 : Repeat 任务3: 跟读(注意模仿语音语调),Task 4 :role-play 分角色朗读对话,Pair work : 和同桌手持卡片练习对话。,Expansion 拓展练习,What have you learnt today? 今天你学到了什么?,Healthy food! 健康食品,fruits,Unhealthy food! 不健康的食品/垃圾食品,Eating more fruits is good for your health.,多吃水果有益健康。,Homework(作业): 完成后测题 听48页对话,并跟读5遍 3. 和同桌练习对话: Do you like ? Yes, I do / No, I dont.,Thank you !,
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