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Unit3 At the zoo,同德县民族寄宿制小学,项毛措,It has a long tail and big eyes,Its small and thin,It has a long body and short legs,Its big and fat,Look at that pig. Its .,fat,thin,Look at that elephant. Its .,Look at that giraffe. Its .,short,tall,Look at that monkey. Its .,tail 尾巴,It has a head It has a tail.,tail 尾巴,Question(问题):,It has a head. It has a tail.,tail 尾巴,Question(问题):,small,short,1.She has long hair(头发).,Which one is right?(根据句子判断哪个图片正确?),A,B,2. It has a small body.,Which one is right?(根据句子判断哪个图片正确?),A,B,1.It has short neck(脖子).,Which one is right?(根据句子判断哪个图片正确?),A,B,绿色圃中小学教育网,2. It has a tail.,4. He has a head.,3. He has a head.,long,big,small,1. It has legs.,short,Group work,每个小组出示自己喜欢的动物图并描述动物的特征,课堂小结: short. long. small.big,1.同桌之间描述一下长颈鹿,Homework,Thank you,
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