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,UNIT3At the zoo,Part C Storytime,Lets do !,How many animals do you know?,你知道哪些动物?,Brain storming头脑风暴,rabbit,monkey,duck,dog,cat,panda,Brain storming头脑风暴,bear,pig,bird,mouse,tiger,I know all the animals.,我知道所有的动物。,Today we have some new friends.,Who?,tiger It has -.,tiger It has -.,lion,It has -.,lion It has -.,zebra,It is black and white . It has -.,zebra,It is black and white . It has -.,horse,It has -.,horse,fox,It has -.,fox,wolf,It has -.,wolf,monkey,It has -.,monkey,It has -.,gorilla,It has -.,gorilla,It has -.,The small one is a monkey . The big one is a gorilla.,The animals are so lovely. Please love them. Please protect them.,动物们非常可爱,请爱护它们. 保护它们。,Thank you,
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