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电子商务对于国际贸易的影响是多方面的,本文主要从以下几个方面展开论述。一、电子商务加快全球一体化的进程电子商务主要是通过互联网来运行的,通过网络数据把全球连接为一个整体,建立起一个虚拟的全球范围化的市场,电子商务对于传统市场来说,是新鲜事物,一些陈旧的观念被打破。每一个国家和地区的人们都可以运用电子商务的平台来进行贸易交往活动。电子商务让全球贸易成为一个有机的整体,各国之间的贸易活动更加的密切,各国之间除了竞争之外,经济合作也越来越多。二、电子商务让国家贸易分工更加的深入从目前经济发展情况来看,电子商务在各个国家的贸易活动当中应用是十分广泛的,电子商务让各个国家之间能够更好的进行信息交流。每一个国家也可以将自己国家比较有特色的服务和商品推广给其他国家,从而提高这个国家服务和商品在整个世界经济市场中的竞争力。如此看来,各个国家之间的分工合作的趋势就非常的明显,也更加的深入。只有这样,才能更好的发挥各个国家的竞争优势。三、电子商务促进国际贸易方式不断创新电子商务和传统的国际贸易比较而言,是有很多自身的优势条件的,其中最主要的一个优势就是电子商务不受地域空间的限制,信息的更新往往能够同步进行。这个优势为电子商务提供了很大的发展空间。那些靠信息不完全开展业务的企业不得不考虑自身发展,寻求新的出路;那些因为地域、空间、信息等无法展开市场的企业,也在电子商务的启发下找到了新的出路,开展起自己企业发展新形式。所以说,电子商务的发展让许多新服务和新产品都涌入到国际市场当中来。四、电子商务影响了国际贸易的市场营销模式电子商务的营销模式有着很多优点,例如:成本低,减少顾客对推销商品的抵触情绪,这些都为与客户建立一个良好的商务关系提供了基础和保障。这种情况对于国际贸易的营销模式影响是非常大的,电子商务的宣传模式主要是运用互联网广告来进行宣传,这要比国际贸易的传统媒体广告成本低很多,而且顾客可以根据自己的喜好来选择对自己有用的信息,顾客的自主选择就会大大减少顾客对于营销产品的抵触情绪,这种缓解作用,就会产生很好的营销效果。客户可以通过登录相关的企业商品信息平台,发表评论、提供建议。这种方式能够很好与企业进行沟通,也有利于让企业和客户建立良好的关系,这些都是电子商务对于国际贸易市场营销模式产生的影响。五、划分了国际消费偏好在市场经济竞争环境之下,一切服务都是了顾客,都是为了顾客的一切利益。这种意识在电子商务当中表现的尤为明显。企业和商家通过网络来与顾客进行交易,在这种情况下,顾客可以自由的选择自己喜欢、感兴趣的商品。商家如果想在市场当中占有有利的地位,也会想方设法的提高自己产品性能,突出自己产品的特性,这样才能更好的为顾客提供满意的服务。随着社会经济水平的不断发展,经济制度的不断完善,各国贸易之间的信息交流也日益密切,电子商务的一些理念、品味和时尚等也在全世界的范围内进行传播,得到了很多顾客的喜爱。六、催促贸易方面的法律法规不断完善全球化是电子商务最为重要的一个特点,交易的双方可以是世界上任何地区和国家的人。所以,国际税必然也会受到相应的影响。如互联网交易程序的差异、网上交易定性的差异以及通过网络订购但实际采用普通有形方式交易等造成的税收结果存在差异。国与国之间的贸易也存在双重税收、重复征税等问题。电子商务模式与传统商务模式相比较具有很多独特的优势但新的问题也随之而来。如信息安全、知识产权、域名等存在的问题。各国关于电子商务方面的法律都还不够完善,因此各国政府、各个企业在制定国际贸易相关政策时应结合电子商务自身独有的特点,对电子商务在处理流程以及交易规则等做出界定,使国际电子商务存在的信息安全、知识产权保护、税收等问题能够的到解决。在法律上各国应采取针对性的法律措施使用户的网络交易行为能够有法可依。The influence of Electronic Commerce on international trade is various, this article mainly from the following several aspects.One, e-commerce to speed up the process of global integrationE-commerce is mainly through the Internet to run, through data network to global connectivity as a whole, set up a virtual global market, electronic commerce for the traditional market is new things, some of the outdated concept is broken. People in every country and region can use e-commerce platform to conduct business activities. Electronic commerce make global trade become an organic whole, trade activities between countries is more closely, in addition to competition among countries, economic cooperation is also more and more.Two, e-commerce allows the countrys trade division of labor more in-depthJudging from the current situation of economic development, e-commerce in various countries in the trade activity which is very widely used, e-commerce allows each country to better information exchange. Each country can also promote its own country more distinctive services and goods to other countries, so as to enhance the competitiveness of the countrys services and commodities in the world economy market. In view of this, each country between the division of the trend is very obvious, and more in-depth. Only in this way can we play the competitive advantage of each country.Three, e-commerce to promote international trade innovationComparison of the electronic commerce and the traditional international trade, there is a lot of their own advantages, which the main advantage is the electronic commerce without geographical space constraints, updated information tend to synchronize. This advantage provides a great space for the development of e-commerce. Those by the information not fully carry out the business enterprises have to consider their own development, to seek a new way; those who because of geographical and space, the information can not expand the market of enterprise, also under the inspiration of the electronic commerce found a new way, to carry out their new ways of enterprise development. Therefore, the development of electronic commerce so that many new services and new products are coming into the international market.Four, e-commerce has affected the international trade marketing modelE-commerce marketing model has many advantages, such as: low cost, reduce the customers resistance to sell goods, these are to establish a good business relationship with customers to provide the basis and protection. The situation for the marketing mode of international trade influence is very big, propaganda mode of the electronic commerce is mainly use the Internet advertising propaganda,www.jich.net www.boxuelun.com www.huayueting1.com which is far lower than that of the international trade of traditional media advertising costs, and the customer can according to their own preferences to select the useful information, customers independent choice will be greatly reduced customer for product marketing defensiveness, the relief effect, it will have a very good marketing effect. Customers can log on to the relevant enterprise product information platform, published comments, suggestions. This approach can be very good communication with the enterprise, but also conducive to the establish
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