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安徽大学 硕士学位论文 面向对外汉语教学的联合式动词研究 姓名:刘迎霞 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:杨晓黎 2010-04 I 摘 要 摘 要 动词,作为现代汉语实词的一大类,在对外汉语教学中,一直是个很值得关 注的问题。目前对动词中离合词、动补式、动宾式、动趋式、动结式等动词的研 究已成为热点,但是在实际的教学中可以发现,学生对这些类型的动词用法较为 重视,而忽视了联合式动词与其他类型动词的区别,在用法上往往混淆不清。本 文运用理论联系实际的方法,采取数据统计与分析的模式进行研究,力图为联合 式动词的教学和对外汉语词汇教学提出一些建议。 本文共分为五章,第一章是绪论,主要介绍了本文研究的缘起、研究的现状 和研究的意义。第二章是联合式动词的区分与界定。主要是通过对联合式动词、 偏正式动词、动补式动词、连动式动词之间的比较,确定本文研究的联合式动词 的具体范围和特点。第三章探讨联合式动词的次范畴并进行相关统计。首先对联 合式动词进行再分类,将其分为近义联合式动词、对义联合式动词这两大次类, 进而又根据内、外动词的标准,分为四个小类。此外,这一章还对汉语水平词 汇等级大纲中的联合式动词所占比例进行了统计,得出联合式动词是一个庞大 的群体,在词汇教学中应受到充分重视的结论。第四章针对留学生联合式动词的 习得情况进行调查与分析。对留学生各学期考试卷中所出现的偏误进行归类,并 结合问卷测试,分析调查与测试的结果及产生偏误的原因。偏误的类型主要有五 种:一是联合式动词与宾语搭配易出错;二是具有部分相同语素的联合式动词容 易混淆;三是联合式动词与其近义单音节动词的用法易出错;四是同素异位联合 式动词易出错;五是联合式内、外动词用法易出错。产生以上偏误的原因主要有 联合式动词本身不易掌握、相关教材和教学环节的疏忽,以及学生自身没有形成 良好的学习方法和习惯。第五章提出关于联合式动词教学的几点建议。主要对联 合式动词教学的相关教材的编写、 课堂教学和相关学习型词典的编纂三个方面提 出了几点具体的建议。具体来说,在教材编写方面建议不仅要降低难度、减少生 词,还要重视释义、增加;在课堂教学方面建议采用归类对比讲解法,并设 计辨析题进行;在词典编纂方面建议根据汉语水平词汇等级大纲编纂一 部面向留学生的联合式动词专项词典。 关键词:关键词:联合式动词;偏误调查;对外汉语;教学建议 II Abstract Verb,as one kind of contemporary Chinese notional words,ia always a deserving concerned subject in the area of Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language.As present,it has become a hot spot to research the Verb-object words,Verb-complement words,Verb-object words,Verb-tendency words and Verb-result words.However,during our teaching,we find that students are giving too much consideration to all the above,and they have ignored the Juxtaposed words,even confused the Juxtaposed verb and the other verbs.This article uses the method of combining theory with practice,also use the pattern of data calculation and analysis to research.It aims for advising to teach the Juxtaposed verbs and vocabulary in TCFL. This article includes five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which introduces the reseach genesis, present situation and the importance of my reseach.The second chapter is to discriminate and define the Juxtaposed verbs,which is to ascertain the scope and the characteristics of the Juxtaposed verbs by means of comparing the Juxtaposed verbs to the other similar verbs.The third chapter is the subcategory and the statistics of the Juxtaposed verbs.First,we categorize it into two sub-kinds,which are the synonymous Juxtaposed verbs and contrary Juxtaposed verbs.Then we reclassify it into four categories according the standard of the intransitive and transitive.Third, we collect and calculate the Juxtaposed verbs in the Vocabulary Outline of Chinese Language Level,in order to find that the Juxtaposed verbs family is great group,and they deserved the full attention during the teaching of vocabulary.The fourth chapter is the investigation and analysis of foreigh studentsacquisition about the Juxtaposed verbs.By means of classifying the biased errors in the past test papers of foreigh students,combining the questionnaire survey,then we analysize the results of the papers and the survey in order to find the reasons of the biased errors.The biased errors are mainly five kinds.First,the matches of similar Juxtaposed verb and its object are easily mistaked;Second, some Juxtaposed verbs having the same morpheme are easily III mixed;Third,the usages of Juxtaposed verb and its one-word near-synonym are easily mistaked;Fourth,the Juxtaposed verbs which are having the same morpheme but different orders are easily mixed;Fifth,the usages of transitive Juxtaposed verb and untransitive Juxtaposed verb are easily mistaked.Concequently,the reasons of all the above biased errors are these:The Juxtaposed verbs themselves are difficult to be known well; The negligences in the text books and classroom teaching cause the errors;And the foreingh students dont have the correct and perfect learning methods.The fifth chapter is several pieces of advice for teaching the Juxtaposed verbs.We give our advices from three aspects,that are the teaching materials compilation,the classroom teaching and the compilation of dictionaries.Specifically,about the compilation of text books,we suggest not only to reduce the quantity of new words and the degree of difficulty,but also to emphesis the interpretation of the Juxtaposed verbs and increase more exercises about them.About the classroom teaching,we suggest to use classified-contrast teaching method and to design analysis exercises to practice what they have leared.About the compilation of dictionaries,we suggest to compile a special dictionary about the Juxtaposed verb facing the foreigh students,according the Vocabulary Outline of Chinese Language Level. Key words:Juxtaposed verbs;survey of biased errors;TCFL;teaching advices 第一章第一章 绪论绪论 1 第一章 绪 论 第一章 绪 论 1.1 研究的缘起 1.1 研究的缘起 1.1.1 研究的必要性 1.1.1 研究的必要性 在对外汉语教学过程中, 我们发现留学生在学习汉语的时候经常出现各种类 型的语言偏误,有汉字书写与拼读方面,有词汇理解与使用方面的,有语法与造 句方面的,有语段篇章方面的,等等。其中,我们发现汉语动词的教学是一大难 点,不仅动词的数量多,而且动词的词义和用法很复杂,对外国留学生来说,准 确地理解和掌握所学的动词是有很大难度的。而在动词教学中,联合式动词的教 学应受到更多的关注。一方面,因为留学生在学习中经常出现与联合式动词相关 的偏误,比如: “珍惜时间和生命”错写成“珍贵时间和生命” , “经历了困难和 痛苦”错写成“经验了困难和痛苦” , “介绍我的一年学习生活”错写
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