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2002 Brand Management System,1,麦肯锡公司项目小组培训材料 INTRODUCTION TO PYRAMID PRINCIPLE 金字塔式写作原则简介 此报告仅供客户内部使用,未经麦肯锡公司的书面许可,其它任何机构不得擅自传阅,引用或复印。,AGENDA课程,Writing BackwardsThe Pyramid 从结论说起 The Governing Thought(TOPS) 中心思想 Logical Arguments 逻辑论证 Logical Groupings 逻辑组合 No Gaps,No Overlaps(MECE) 不遗漏、不重叠(不多不少),EVOLUTION OF STRATEGIC WRITING 策略性写作方式的演变, Writing Writing backwards Writing stories 从后面(结论) Sentences 写故事 写起 造句,雪莉吾友: 我俩是多年老朋友了,共渡过许多美好时光但一个月前你说了些令人难受的话上两星期你又没来参加我办的宴会后来,Dear Shirley: We are been friends For a long time But About a month ago, You said to something I Did not like .then,two Weeks ago, you did not Show up at my party Amd then,Dear shirley: I hate you. Here are Are my reasons.,雪莉吾友: 我恨你,因为,WRITING BACKWARDS(PYRAMID PRINCIPLE) 从结论说起(金字塔写作原则),Dear Shirley 雪莉吾友,Reason#1 第一个理由,Reason#2 第二个理由,Reason#3 第三个理由,I hate you 我恨你,SOLVING THE PROBLEM 解决问题,Facts 事实,Analyses 分析,Conclusions 结论,Recommend- rations 建议方案,COMMUNICATING THE SOLUTION 沟通解决问题的办法,Recommendations 建议方案,Actions/steps/reasons 行动/步骤/理由,Facts/analyses 事实/分析,What should be How or why should How do you know the done? It be done? Recommendations Are sound? 该做什么? 为什么该做这些? 怎么知道这建议方案是完善的? 如何做?,DEVELOPING A STRUCTURE FOR“WRITING BACKWARDS” 如何建构从结论说起的作品,Governing thought 中心思想,Key line support 支撑思想的主要 理由,Support 支撑理由,Support 支撑理由,AGENDA课程,Writing BackwardsThe Pyramid 从结论说起,The Governing Thought(TOPS) 中心思想,Logical Arguments 逻辑论证 Logical Groupings 逻辑组合 No Gaps, No Overlaps (MECE) 不遗漏、不重叠(不多不少),“IF YOU WETE TO BOIL YOUR BOOK DOWN TO A FEW WORDS,WHAT WOULD BE ITS MESSAGE?” 您能用一句话介绍您的这本大作吗?,GOVERNING THOUGHT 中心思想的要诀,T O P S,Targeted to Our audience 瞄准观众,Over- Arching 周延完整,Powerful 掷地有声,Supportable 言之有据,GOVERNING THOUGHTIS IT TOPS? 检验中心思想是否合乎标准?,The company has potential in the A,B,and C market segments 本公司在甲、乙、丙三个市场具备发展潜力。,The company should Enter emerging market Segments aggressively to Preempt competition 本公司应积极打入新兴 起的市场区隔之中,以 及早占有优势竞争地位。,AGENDA课程,Writing BackwardsThe Pyramid 从结论说起 The Governing Thought TOPS) 中心思想,Logical Arguments 逻辑论证,Logical Groupings 逻辑组合 No Gaps, No Overlaps (MECE) 不遗漏、不重叠(不多不少),ARGUMENT GROUPING 论证式 组合式,Governing Thought 中心思想,Governing Thought 中心思想,Key line Support 主要理由,ARGUMENT STRUCTURE(DEDUCTIVE REASONING) 逻辑论证式架构(演绎推论),Non Controversial Statement about Situation 以无可争议的说 法来陈述情况,Implication of Situation and Comment (“therefore” point) 情况所代表的涵义及 评论(因此),Comment on Situation 对情况的评论,Key line Support 主要理由,Governing thought 中心思想,LOGICAL ARGUMENT-EXAMAPLE 逻辑论证举例,To improve sales,Dynamo should take Immediate steps to develop and execute a More targeted marketing plan for the LX20 贵公司必须立即采取行动,研拟并实行对象明确的营销计划以改善LX20产品的销售,As you suspected, some Manufacturing flaws have Hurt sales of Dynamo New system LX20 正如你所料想的,生产 过程的瑕疵影响了新产 品LX20的销售,However,major cause of disappointing sales is Dynamo unfocused marketing effort 然而,真正使得销售不振 的主要原因则在于贵公司 市场营销的重点不集中,Therefor,Dynamo Should take immediate Steps to develop and Execute a more targeted Marketing plan 正如你所料想的,生产 过程的瑕疵影响了新产 品LX20的销售,SOME ARGUMENT PATTERNS 部分逻辑论证模式,Success requires X 需有X才能成功,Success requires X 需有X才能成功,You are pursuing X 你正朝X发展,You thought X was a problem 你认为X是问题,Performance is not As expected 绩效不如预期,Therefore, develop Capability for X 因此,建立作X的能力,Therefore,shirt focus to X 因此,转移重心到X,Therefore,change Direction to Y 因此,转向Y前进,Therefore, shift focus to Y 因此,转移重心到Y,Therefore, take steps to Fix X 因此,设法解决X,You are not Equipped to do X 你无法作到,You are not focusing on X 你的重心不在X,Y would be better 但Y比较有利,Further investigation Shows it Y 但调查显示Y才是问题,Underlying cause is X 问题出在X,PROS AND CONS OF ARGUMENTS 逻辑论证的利弊,Key line Support 主要理由,Uncontroversial Statement about situation 以无可争议的说法来 陈述情况,Comment on situation 对情况的评论意见,Implication of situation And comment (“therefore ” point) 情况所代表的涵义及评 论(因此),Governing thought 中心思想,Pros Demonstrates that no other avenue will work 利 证明内容的必然走向(没有第二条路可走) Can be particularly effective with resistant audiences 对有拒绝心理的听众尢为有效 Cons If audience disagrees with “situation ” or “comment ” argument 弊 will fail to persuade 如听众对情况或意见有异议,该论证即失去了说服力 Requires audience to remember much information before getting to “so what ” 听众在听到最后的所以结论时,先要记忆大量信息,AGENDA 课程,Writing BackwardsThe Pyramid 从结论说起 The Governing Thought (TOPS) 中心思想 Logical Arguments 逻辑论证 No Gaps,No Overlaps (MECE) 不遗漏、不重叠(不多不少),Logical Groupings 逻辑组合,GROUPING STRUCTURE (INDUCTIVE REASONING) 逻辑组合式架构(归纳结论),Governing thought 中心思想,Key line Support 主要理由,Same kind of idea: Reasons 原因 同类想法 Examples 例子 Actions 行动,LOGICAL GROUPING -EXAMPLE 逻辑组合举例,To improve sales,Dynamo should take Immediate steps to develop and execute a More targeted marketing plan for the LX20 贵公司必须立即采取行动,研拟并实行对象 明确的营销计划以改善LX20产品的销售,Explicitly Id
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