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Unit 2 Colours,This is .,Miss White,Mr Jones,This is .,Miss Green,This is .,Lets read,I see .,What color do you see?,I see .,What color do you see?,I see .,What color do you see?,What color do you see?,.,I see .,orange,purple,Lets do,Lets guess,幸运大转盘,red,I see_.,blue,I see_.,white,I see_.,yellow,I see_.,green,I see_.,orange,I see_.,Golden eyes 火眼金睛,Colours make the world more beautiful. 丰富多彩的颜色让世界更加美丽。,I love colours!,I like _.,Hello! My names Happy.,Sam,This is my brother ,Sam!,brother,This is my brother,_.,z,s,z,This is my brother,_.,z,s,s,This is my brother,_.,z,s,M,This is my brother,_.,z,L,This is my brother,Sam.,Hi,Sam._.,Thank you.,Group work 三人小组练习,Happy birthday!,_,Im six,too.,My names Happy. Im six.,How old are you ?,Haha, Im six years old.,A:Whats your name? B:Im _. A:How old are you ? B:Im _ years old.,Yo-yo,Sarah,nine,Pair work: 同桌练习,This is my brother,Sam.,Hi,Sam. Happy birthday!,Thank you.,How old are you ?,Im six years old.,Group work 三人小组练习,Gift time:礼物时间,发礼物咯! 只要答对小丑的问题,就能得到气球哦! 一起来帮助Sam的小伙伴吧!,Name(姓名): Yo-yo Age(年龄): 5,My names Yo-yo.,_?,Whats your name,Name(姓名): Yo-yo Age(年龄): 5,Im_ years old.,_?,How old are you,I like _.,red,5,Name(姓名): Yo-yo Age(年龄): 5,Here you are.,Thank you.,_,Lets read,Happy:Whats your name? _: My names_. Happy: How old are you ? _:Im_years old. I like_. Happy: Here you are. _: Thank you.,Pair work: 同桌练习,请选择一个小朋友,帮助他回答小丑的问题。,:Whats your name? B: My names _. : How old are you ? B:Im_years old. I like_. : Here you are. B: Thank you.,Pair work: 同桌练习,你想得到气球吗?,请同桌练习,并来上台表演吧!,Homework 作业,Draw a rainbow ,colour it and say to your friends. 画一条彩虹并介绍给你的朋友。,
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