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Hello!,城关小学 袁蕾,red,I see red.,yellow,I see yellow.,green,I see green.,blue,I see blue.,red red I see red yellow yellow I see yellow green green I see green blue blue I see blue,Lets chant,Say the colour fast when you see it.,(快速说出你看到的颜色),What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,Play a game,What colour do you see?,I see _.,yellow,green,blue,red,What colour do you see?,I see _ and _ .,中 国,瑞 士,(和),贝 宁,毛里求斯,Homework :,找找你身边含有本课所学颜色的物品,并说给爸爸妈妈听。,Byebye!,Thank you !,
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