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欢迎你,Unit1 Lets sing 1Unit1 Lets sing 1.swf,We Love Animals,lets learn,Unit1 Lets sing 2.swf,绿色圃中小学教育网,认识几位动物朋友。,Whats this?,dog,Its a ,绿色圃中小学教育网,认识几位动物朋友。,Look at the dog. Its on the log.,圆木,认识几位动物朋友。,cat,Whats this?,Its a ,绿色圃中小学教育网,认识几位动物朋友。,Look at the cat. It is fat.,胖的,认识几位动物朋友。,duck,Whats this?,Its a ,绿色圃中小学教育网,认识几位动物朋友。,Look at the duck. Its in the truck.,卡车,看尾巴,猜动物,dog,cat,duck,Listen and Guess,Whats this? Its a .,pig,绿色圃中小学教育网,认识几位动物朋友。,Look at the pig. It is big.,大的,bear,Whats this?,Its a ,绿色圃中小学教育网,认识几位动物朋友。,Look at the bear. Its on the pear.,梨,认识几位动物朋友。,Whats this?,Its a ,Lets chant.,Unit4 Lets chant.swf,OK, boys and girls. you did a very good job. All stand up. Lets have a rest.(流畅自然) Dancing time. Follow me. (有节奏,缓一点) Go back to your seat. Back straight, 小暗号。,Lets play a guessing game,第一关,Whats this?,pig,Whats this?,dog,Whats this?,duck,Whats this?,bear,Whats this?,cat,Lets play games. 第二关 Sharp eyes 游戏说明:在这个游戏里,老师将在电脑屏幕上快速的出现一些单词,如果你能很快的认出是什么单词,请举手大声读出单词。,dog,cat,pig,duck,bear,Lets play games. 第三关 Find your friends.“找朋友” 游戏规则:在这个游戏里,老师将把一些动物单词的图片发给不同的同学,拿着该图片的同学同时跑到讲台前面,把对应的图片贴在单词下面,如果正确了,说明你们很棒哦!,We love animals,Animals are our good friends。Dont hurt them。 动物是我们的朋友,请不要伤害他们。,Sum up,Whats this? Its a dog. Whats this? Its a cat. Whats this? Its a duck. Whats this? Its a pig. Whats this?Its a bear.,Homework,把本节课所学的新单词说给父母听。 给自己的父母或者是同学表演今天的模仿秀。,See you next time!,今天同学们表现的都非常好,老师非常喜欢你们,你们喜不喜欢我? Ok ,so much for this 。See you next time. Good-bye!,
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