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Recycle2,第二课时,Liulin Primary School Miss Yang,eat eating,Lets review,drink drinking,climb climbing,jump jumping,sleep sleeping,play playing,Please guess: Where is he?,Beijing,Hainan,Where is she?,Hangzhou,根据图片提示编对话:,Where are you? What are you doing?,Im in _ now. Im .,Which season is it?,_. Its my favourite season.,playing,Beijing,Hainan,Swimming,spring,summer,climbing,Anhui,walking,Chengdu,summer,winter,playing,jumping,running,Lets review: Whose dog is it?,his dog his,Its his dog. =Its his.,her dog hers,Its her dog. =Its hers.,Guess: Whose dog is it?,Its my dog. =Its mine.,Zooms dog,Zooms,Its Zooms dog. =Its Zooms.,Guess: Whose dog is it?,Its their dog. =Its theirs.,Its our dog. =Its ours.,their dog theirs,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L,Zip and Zoom are going to visit you. They are preparing many gifts for you and your friends. Choose and tell your partner whose things they are.,Whose water bottle is this?,This is Fidos. The green one is his.,Where is mine?,Yours is over there. The red one is yours.,Read the sentences. Find “friends” for the words in this table.,Where is the monkey going on Thursday? Hes swimming in the park in the south. What is the monkey doing on his birthday? I think hes playing and drinking with his friends.,Consolidation,th该怎样发音呢?,th发音很简单,舌尖放于两齿间,实词只是气流行 th部分代词和虚词,声带震动让人听,后跟er还出声,/,/k/,ng,nk,ng在词尾,伤风鼻不通, 一起来发/ / /,nk在词尾,伤风鼻不通, / / /; 感冒还发抖,牙齿在一起/k/ /k/ /k/ ;一起发/k/ /k/ /k/,Wh有两种发音,那么你能找出规律吗,Wh 在多数情况下发w,但是在碰到后面有字母o时候,通常发音为h 例如why, what, whoever, wholesaler(批发商),
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