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2019/10/13,1,LECTURE 22 -ED PARTICIPLE,2019/10/13,2,国家法律规定,不论贫富,一律征税。 误 According to the state law, both poor and rich are taxed. 正 According to the state law, both rich and poor are taxed. 注:两种语言的表达顺序往往存在差异,而且都是约定俗成的,不容改变。又如:前后(back and forth),新旧(old and new),悲欢(joy and sorrow),血肉(flesh and blood),钢铁(iron and steel),兴衰(fall and rise),南北(north and south)田径(track and field) 等。,2019/10/13,3,1.水火fire and water 14. 食宿 bed and breakfast 2.冷热heat and cold 15. 开关 on and off 3.左右right and left 16. 纸和笔 pen and paper 4.轻重heavy and light 17. 三三两两 twos and 5.水陆land and water threes 6.迟早sooner or later 7.东北northeast 8.老少young and 9.衣食food and clothing 10.晴雨rain or shine 11.细长long and thin 12.饮食eat and drink 13.血汗sweat and blood,2019/10/13,4,现在的家庭一般都用白糖而不用红糖。 误 Nowadays households tend to use white sugar rather than red sugar. 正 Nowadays households tend to use white sugar rather than brown sugar. brown bread 黑面包。类似一些说法还有: 红眼病 green eyes; 脸色发紫 black in the face; 红茶 black tea; 黄色电影 blue film 。,2019/10/13,5,又青又紫 black and blue 西方人眼中的吉日是 a white day,如“婚礼”就被叫做 white wedding,因为新娘的婚纱是白色的.(近年来,在中国,一些城里人也有去教堂举行婚礼的,自然新娘要穿白色婚纱)。 中国人传统上只有葬礼才用白色形容(如红白“喜事”)。,2019/10/13,6,你怎么做出那样愚蠢的事情?真是让人笑掉大牙。 误 What a fool you are to do such a thing! That really makes people laugh off their front teeth. 正 What a fool you are to do such a thing! That really makes people laugh off their head. 注:“笑掉头”可比“笑掉门牙”更严重,看来英国人比我们还夸张。,2019/10/13,7,Teaching Contents,1. The meaning of ed participle,2. Functions of ed participle,3. Notes on “ dangling participles”,2019/10/13,8,1. The meaning of ed participle -ed participles: transitive - passive meaning / intransitive - active meaning. Besides what are used as an adjective, -ed participles usually have a sense of completion.,2019/10/13,9,(1) passive, general action Eg:the exploited class:the class that is exploited a respected writer: a writer who is respected (2)passive, completed action Eg: the broken cup:the cup that has been broken before boiled water: water that has been boiled (3)active,completed action Eg: a retired general: a general who has retired fallen leaves: leaves that have fallen,2019/10/13,10,BACK,2019/10/13,11,2. Functions ofed participle as subject complement ,object complement, modifier,adverbial,2.1 as subject complement 1) As subject complement, -ed participles are mostly derived from transitive verbs. They are often used in SVC pattern and indicate the state that the subject is in. -The door is/remains locked. -Mary seems worried at the news.,2019/10/13,12,2) But not all ed participles can be so used. Ed participles used as subject complement are such as “accomplished, accustomed, amazed, complicated, confused, connected, covered, crowded, dedicated, delighted, devoted, done, drunk, gone, interested, lost, married, pleased, puzzled, satisfied, surprised, tired, upset, worried, etc.,2019/10/13,13,3) The ed participles from intransitive verbs, which may be used as subject complement, are only a few transitional dynamic verbs, such as: go, come, assemble, etc. When used after a link verb, it indicates the state that the subject is in. -The sun is set. lets go home.,2019/10/13,14,2.2ed participle as object complement As object complement, -ed participles are mostly derived from transitive verbs. They are used to denote a passive meaning or a sense of completion. They are often used in SVOC pattern and the relationship between the object and the ed participle is subject and predicate. Verbs that can take an ed participle as object complement fall into three groups:,2019/10/13,15,1) Verbs of perception and verbs denoting mental state such as see, hear, feel, find, think, etc. -We found her greatly changed. 2) Causative verbs such as make, get, have, keep, etc. -He was trying hard to make himself understood. 3) The third group includes verbs denoting hope, expectation, order, such as like, want, wish, order, etc.,2019/10/13,16,Eg: -He wont like such questions (to be) discussed at the meeting. The object complement is the passive form of infinitive. Usually “to be” can be omitted.,2019/10/13,17,Note: The verb “have” has three different meanings in the construction of “have + object + ed participle.” a) Indicates an intentional passive action. The agent of the action is not the subject of the sentence. “Have” here means “to cause” or “to make”. It should be stressed when it is read. -We had the problem solved.,Back,2019/10/13,18,b) Indicates an unintentional passive action. Also the agent of the action is not the subject of the sentence. The subject is influenced by the action. The word “have” means “to experience.” It is unstressed when being read. - She had her arm broken in an accident. c) Expresses a common meaning: possess. -Peter has not any money saved for his old age.,2019/10/13,19,2.3 ed participle as modifier 1) ed participle as premodifier a) ed participle are derived from transitive verbs Most of ed
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