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小升初基础达标训练(八)一、音标题 1.选择划线部分读音与众不同的单词( ) A.clockB.dollC.some2.找出画线部分发音不同的单词。 A.coolB.bookC.pool3.选出连读正确的一项 A.I learn at home.B.I learn at home.4.选出画线部分发音不同的一项( ) A.workB.shortC.cornD.forty5.start A.justB.sunnyC.hard二、单选题6.A: Where are the toy cars?B: _ on the bed.A.ItsB.There areC.They are7.Today is Wednesday. What day will it be tomorrow? A.ThursdayB.FridayC.Monday8.Amy can _ her bike. A.rideB.ridesC.riding9.Those girls enjoyed _ in the party last night. A.themB.theyC.themselvesD.herself10.Its time _ go home now. A.toB.for11.Rowling went from a poor young woman to the most-loved and _ writer in the world. A.richB.richerC.richest12.Go _ the bedroom. Have a nap. A.onB.toC.too13._talk in the library ! A.notB.DoC.Dont14.The_are fat. A.pandaB.pandasC.cat15.I will go to London. I can visit . A.the Great WallB.Big BenC.the West Lake16.There are many books in the _. A.dining hallB.libraryC.swimming pool17.Im Lily. Im from the UK. A.We have two new friends today.B.Im Mike. Im from the US.18.Please tell about the story of Beijing. A.heB.meC.I19.我的鞋是红色的。 A.My shoes is red.B.My shoes are red.20.去骑自行车 A.go campingB.go cycling三、选词填空21.Toms sister is a _(cook / nurse).22._(She/They)are Toms grandparents. 23.选词填空。A. take B. speaking C. from D. with E. so(1)Are you_China? (2)Can we play music_you? (3)I am_Chinese. (4)You are_cool. (5)Please_turns. 24.Tom is the _ (taller/tallest) in our class. 25.I plan _ (to travel/traveling) to Beijing. 26._ she fat? (am / is / are)No, she _ thin.27.选词填空,补全句子 serious friendly interested teaches active(1)My father_English in a primary school. (2)This is my sister. She likes singing and dancing. Shes very_. (3)My grandpa is_, but hes kind to me. (4)Mr Zhang is our new Chinese teacher. He looks_. (5)The children are_in his lessons. 28.Its time_(to/for) go to bed. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空29._(be) there any water in the glass? No, there _ (not be). 30.看图,填入适当的单词完成句子Kitty: Lets _ some tea.Peter: OK.Kitty: What do we do _?Peter: First, we _ the water.Kitty: And next?Peter: Next, we _ some tea in the cup.Kitty: _, we can _ the hot water into the cup.Peter: Right. _, we _ the tea. It _ nice.31.Whens _ (she) birthday? 32.I go to the park _the morning. (介词) 33._ _ aunts do you have?I _ have one aunt.34.There are many interesting_(city) in the country. 35.Listen! They _ (sing) in the next room. 36.Is there a bench_the tree and the umbrella? (介词) 37. What is Daming doing? He is _ (write) an email.38.Listen! The children _(listen) to music in the classroom. 五、连词成句39.birthday, her, May, in, is . 40.is, one, cat, chair, on, there, only, the (. )_41.together things a lot of we will online do (.) 42.this tallest Thats the in dinosaur hall (.)(连词成句) 43.fruit, like, do, you(?) 六、完形填空44.读
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