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PART : Building and Managing Information Systems,Chapter 10: Redesigning the organization with IS(教材第十四章) Chapter 11: Understanding the Business Value of Systems and Managing Change(教材第十五章),Learning Objectives:,After completing this chapter, you should be able to: Demonstrate how building new systems produces organizational change Explain how a company can develop information systems that fit its business plan Identify and describe the core activities in the systems development process,Learning Objectives:,Evaluate alternative methods for building information systems Assess the challenges of building information systems and management solutions,In Practice,IT“黑洞”!,“生产率悖论”!,MIS“泥潭”!,中国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要: 坚持以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化,提高经济社会信息化水平。 加快制造业信息化 深度开发信息资源 完善信息基础设施 强化信息安全保障,Why,Often, too much attention is placed on technology, rather than business, management, and organizational issues. Basing IT strategies and plans purely on technology Changing IT infrastructure and processes without linkage to the enterprise,Why,Creating business strategies and plans without IT participation Improving old processes by simply applying technology Transforming organizational infrastructure and processes without IT involvement,Chapter 10: Redesigning the organization with IS,10.1 Systems as planned organizational change 10.2 Business Process Reengineering And Process Improvement 10.3 Overview Of Systems Development 10.4 Alternative Systems-Building Approaches 10.5 Management Opportunities, Challenges, And Solutions,10.1 Systems as planned organizational change,Information System Plan Establishing Organizational Information Requirements Systems Development and Organizational Change,Information System Plan (ISP) (P496),A road map indicating the direction of systems development, the rationale, the current situation, the management strategy, the implementation plan, and the budget.,Information systems plan (P497),Purpose of the plan Overview of plan contents Current business organization and future organization Key business processes Management strategy,Information systems plan (P497),2. Strategic business plan rationale Current situation Current business organization Changing environments Major goals of the business plan Firms strategic plan,3. Current systems Major systems supporting business functions & processes Current infrastructure capabilities (hardware, software, database, telecommunications and Internet) Difficulties meeting requirements Anticipated future demands,Information systems plan (P497),4. New developments New system projects (project descriptions, business rationale) New infrastructure capabilities required (hardware, software, database, telecommunications, Internet),Information systems plan (P497),5. Management strategy Acquisition plans Milestones & timing Organizational realignment Internal reorganization Management controls Major training initiatives Personnel strategy,Information systems plan (P497),6. Implementation plan Anticipated difficulties Progress reports 7. Budget requirements Requirements Potential savings Financing Acquisition cycle,Information systems plan (P497),10.1 Systems as planned organizational change,Information System Plan Establishing Organizational Information Requirements Systems Development and Organizational Change,Enterprise analysis (business systems planning-BSP) (P496),Enterprise analysis (also call business systems planning-(企业系统规划法-BSP) Examines the entire organization in terms of organizational units, functions, processes, and data elements; Helps identify the key entities & attributes in the organizations data.,BSP,Developed by IBM in the 1960s Basic point: the information requirements of a firm or a division can be specified only with a thorough understanding of the entire organization. method:自上而下分析企业目标、识别企业过程、识别数据类,然后再自下而上设计和实施系统,以支持企业目标。,BSP,分析企业目标,识别企业过程,识别数据类,建立企业过程和数据类关系,信息系统结构,企业过程,企业目标,自下而上设计实施,自上而下分析,UC矩阵 Process/data class matrix (过程/数据类矩阵) (p498),weakness (P498),It produces an enormous amount of data that are expensive to collect and difficult to analyze. The result is a tendency to automate whatever exists.,Strategic Analysis or Critical Success Factors (CSF) (P499),Critical Success Factors, CSF Approach argues that an organizations information requirements are determined by a small number of critical success factors.,Strategic Analysis or Critical Success Factors (CSF) (P499),80年代初由MIT教授把CSF引入信息系统战略规划。 CSF:企业或组织在规划期内影响企业战略成功实现的关键性的任务。 基点:企业的信息系统需求是由少数CSF所决定的。,CSF (p499),CSFs are shaped by the industry, the firm, the manager, and the broader environment,Goals (automobile industry): Earnings/share, return on investment, market share, new product, energy standards CSF: Automotive industry, styling, quality, dealer system, cost control,Critical success factors (P499, table 14-2) Example: Profit concern,Goals (Hospital): Excellent health care, meeting government regulations, future health needs CSF: Regional integration with other hospitals, impro
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