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Unit 1 lifestyles,Lesson 1,A Perfect Day?,1、Warm up Do you ever watch too much TV? How much time do you spend watching TV every day? Point out what kinds of TV programme they are.,music programmes,cartoons,sports programmes,films,TV series,the news,game shows,talk shows,What are your favourite kinds of TV programme? Why?,Talking,True or false,When Brian wakes up he gets up immediately. 2. In the evenings, Brian often watches old films or sport and the news again. 3. Brian always takes his portable TV while going out for a walk every afternoon. 4. Brian has a good wife, and they live a happy life.,F,F,T,T,Reading,5. Bob normally wakes up about five minutes after his alarm clock goes off. 6. Bob is very busy all day. 7. Bob seldom has time for fun and other leisure activities with his family, but his family doesnt complain.,F,T,F,2、Organization,Choose the most suitable main idea from A-I for each paragraph. There are two extra main ideas that you do not need.,A. Mr. Brain almost does nothing but watch TV. B. Bob is very busy with his work in the daytime. C. Brain can watch much TV because he has a good family, especially a good wife. D. Brain likes doing exercise very much. E. Brain is fond of watching TV. Even so during a walk. F. It tells us why Bob works so crazily. G. It shows us what Bob does before going to work in the morning. H. Bob is tired of his work. I. Bob is also busy at night.,1. A Couch Potato,2. A Workaholic,Par1.A Par2.E Par3.C,Par1. G Par2. B Par3. I Par4. F,Suggested answers,3、概括课文大意 The passage describes two completely different (1)_ a couch (2)_ and a (3)_ The couch potato (4)_ almost the whole day watching TV at home, while the workaholic is (5)_ working all the day.,lifestyles,potato,workaholic,busy,spends,Then I get up, go downstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.接着我起床,下楼,打开起居室的电视。,1switch vt.转换,转变,n开关,闸;转换,典例,First, you should switch the machine on.,首先你要把机器电源接通。 You pressed the wrong switch. 你按错了开关。,拓展,switch onturn on 把开关打开,接通,switch offturn off 把关掉,关上 switch over (to) 转换频道,转变 switch (from A) to B (由 A)转换成 B,运用,完成句子,每空一词,(1)He _ _ ( 打 开 ) the television because he wanted to watch some television programmes. (2)I usually _ _ _ ( 转换到) BBC 2 to watch the latest movie review.,switched/turned,on,switch,over,to,I normally wake up about five minutes before my alarm,clock goes off.我一般在闹钟响前 5 分钟就醒了。,2go off (铃、爆竹等)响;爆炸;失效,典例 The alarm went off when the thieves got in.,小偷一进来,警铃就响了。,Dont touch that unexploded bomb; it might go off! 不要碰那个没爆炸的炸弹,它可能会爆炸。,拓展,go about 着手,从事,go after 追求,追逐 go against 违背,反对 go ahead 先走,先行;开始;继续进行 go around 四处走动;(消息)传播 go by (时光)逝去;经过(某处);依照;遵循 go down 下降;(价格、价值、水平、质量等)降低 go in for 参加比赛;爱好,沉迷于 go on 发生,进行 go through 遭受,经历;忍受 go up 上升,增长,运用,完成句子,每空一词,(1)Youre not _ _ ( 从事) the job in the right,way.,going,about,(2)She doesnt _ _ _ ( 爱 好 ) team,games.,go,in,for,(3)Shes been _ _ (经历) a bad patch recently. (4)With the days _ _ ( 逝 去 ), he found it almost impossible for the lost boy to come back alive. (5)The car alarm _ _ ( 响 起 ) as John was,trying to steal the car.,went,off,going,through,going,by,Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day. 整天会议、电话不断。 3take up 占据;开始从事;拿起(武器等);继续,典例,The new sofa has taken up much place of the sitting room.新沙发占据了客厅的大部分空间。 He took up a job as a teacher three years ago. 三年前,他开始从事教师工作。 Ill take up the story where I finished yesterday. 我将从昨天结束的地方继续这个故事。,拓展,take off 脱掉;起飞;动身,take on 雇用;承担(工作、责任);呈现 take out 拿出;取得;获得 take in 欺骗;收容(某人);包含,包括;改小(衣服) take over 继承;接收;接管(工作) take away 拿走;带走;夺去 take along 随身携带 take back 收回;退货 take sb.back (to) 使某人回想起,运用,完成句子,每空一词,(1)She _ _ _ ( 欺骗了我)completely,with her story.,took,me,in,(2)The work _ _ (占用了) all his time. (3)The rocket _ _ (起飞) in a flash. (4)The smell of the sea _ _ _,_ (使他回忆起) his childhood.,took,him,back,to,(5)Mr Wang told his students to _ _ ( 携 带 ) some bread and mineral water on the visit to the mountainous,village.,take,along,took,up,took,off,Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters. 一 天中几乎每一分钟都充斥着急待处理的事情。 4be filled with 充满着,典例,A new life is filled with joys and tensions.,新生活充满了快乐和紧张。,拓展,be filled with.be full of.装着;装满 be filled in 填写 fill.with.把装进,运用,完成句子,每空一词,(1)What will _ _ _ (填写) the blank? (2)The basket _ _ _ /,be,filled,in,is,filled,with,full,of,is,(装满了) apples.,My family complains about it.妻子和孩子们总是抱怨。 5complain vi.抱怨;投诉,点拨,complain 不能直接跟 sb.作宾语,须加介词 to。类似,的词还有 explain, announce 等。如: She always complains to her parents about the school meals.,她总向父母抱怨学校的饭食。,complain,about,拓展,complain of sth.诉说,投诉,运用,完成句子,每空一词,complained,to,about,(1)Ive really got nothing to _ _ (抱怨) (2)Tom _ _ ( 向 抱 怨 ) his teac
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