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课题Unit 1 How can I get there ? there?课时安排第一课时时间学情分析本课时主要学习A部分Lets talk对话,要求学生能熟练朗读该部分课文,并能根据替换图进行替换练习。导 学 展 示 流 程教学目标:1. 帮助学生理解对话,并学会运用句型“Where is the .? ”问路。2. 帮助学生学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位,达到简单的交际。教学重点:1. 句型:Where is the .? Its near/next to/behind .2. 运用句型问路,表述方位教学难点:运用句型问路,表述方位。学案教案知识链接:(Knowledge links)1. 单词where 的简介:where 是一个特殊疑问词,常用来对地点询问,例如:Where is the museum shop? Its near the door!2. 介词in和at的用法:大家一定要记牢:在地点名词前,既可以in,也可以用at。大地方一般用in,小地方用in at都可以 学习指导(Learning guide)1.自主学习短语in the museum in the bookstore near the door next to the museum want to buy a postcard in the bookstore in hospital at the cinema(试读,试翻译,可以借助单词表)2. 听懂、会说、正确读写上面的短语(自己能独立背会并默写)3. 根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流)自主学习(Self-learning)1. 你能正确读出下面的词组吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?来试试吧!(自学,可借助单词表) in the museum( ) in the bookstore ( ) near the door ( ) next to the museum( ) want to buy a postcard( ) in the bookstore( ) in hospital ( ) at the cinema( )2. 你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗? Where is the museum shop? Its near the door!Where is the post office? Its next to museum.1. Warm-up (热身及预习展示)师生自由问答:T: Hello, nice to meet you!T: Whats the weather like today?T:Good!Whats this in English?T:Yes,Its my bookWhere can we buy the book?2. Presentation and practice(精讲点拨) (1)教师在黑板上画一座房子和一个机器人,指着机器人说:Whos that? 学生回答:Its Robin. 再指着房子说:Where can we find Robin? 学生回答:In the museum. 教师出示感叹句:What a great museum! 教师出示一张明信片,说:Its a post cardRobin want to sent a post cardWhere should he go?” 引出单词post office.教师出示一张地图,问学生:“Where is the post office?”出示单词:next to, near, behind.教师利用三个例句结合图片理解next to, near, behind. (4)在学生理解三个方位介词后,小组活动,利用方位介词描述途中各个场馆的位置。(5)Lets try教师让学生阅读听力题目,然后听录音独立完成内容。(6)教师出示对话内容,请学生听录音,然后朗读对话。(7)学生进行操练,先同桌互练,再在全班表演3. Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)(1)教师出示兰州市的地图,请学生根据地图来描述位置。(2)Lets wrap it up根据学生的描述,请学生说一说我们都学过那些方位介词。教师帮助学生总结。然后以小组为单位造句。4. Summary(总结)板书设计:Unit 1 How can I get there ? Where is the cinema? 图画 图画 Its next to/near/behind the图画课题Unit 1 there?课时安排第二课时时间学情分析本课时主要学习A部分的五个有关地点名称的单词,要求学生能听、说、读、写这些短语,并能在实际生活中正确运用。导 学 展 示 流 程教学目标:1能够听、说、读、写单词:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital.2能用句子“Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore. ”来替换有关询问和回答位置的表达。教学重点:掌握四会短语和A Lets learn部分中运用方位借此表述位置。教学难点:掌握四会短语和A Lets learn部分中运用方位借此表述位置。学案教案知识链接:(Knowledge links)3. 单词where 的简介:where 是一个特殊疑问词,常用来对地点询问,例如:Where is the museum shop? Its near the door!4. 介词in和at的用法:大家一定要记牢:在地点名词前,既可以in,也可以用at。大地方一般用in,小地方用in at都可以 学习指导(Learning guide)1.自主学习短语in the museum in the bookstore near the door next to the museum want to buy a postcard in the bookstore in hospital at the cinema(试读,试翻译,可以借助单词表)2. 听懂、会说、正确读写上面的短语(自己能独立背会并默写)3. 根据本节学习到的知识,独立完成导学案。(在自学过程中注意记录自己解决不了的问题,以便和他人合作交流)自主学习(Self-learning)3. 你能正确读出下面的词组吗?你能正确翻译它们的汉语意思吗?来试试吧!(自学,可借助单词表) in the museum( ) in the bookstore ( ) near the door ( ) next to the museum( ) want to buy a postcard( ) in the bookstore( ) in hospital ( ) at the cinema( )4. 你能流利读出下面的句子吗?你知道它们的汉语意思吗? Where is the museum shop? Its near the door!Where is the post office? Its next to museum.1. Warm-up (热身及预习展示) 学生复习对话,教师请学生两人一组表演朗读对话。2. Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)(1)教师出示Robin, 并说:Robin is a robot. Where can we find Robin? 引导学生说出单词 science museum. (2)教师出示地图,并说:Robin wants to sent a post card, its near the museum. Where is it? 引出单词post office. (3)教师根据地图继续引导学生:Robin wants to buy some books, the place is next to the post office. Can you find where Robin want to go?(4)以同样的方法教单词cinema和hospital(5)教师领读单词,学生小组内读单词,相互纠正发音。(6)教师利用地图,请学生描述每个地方的位置。(7)学生进行操练,先同桌互练,再在全班表演3. Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸) 请学生拿出事先画好的地图两人或四人为一组,以一问一答的形式描述地图上的位置。教师请个别小组展示对话。4. Sum-up(总结)板书设计: Unit 1 Part A Lets learn A: Where is the ? B: Its near/next to the hospital cinema post office bookstore science museum课题Unit 1 there?课时安排第三课时时间学情分析本课时主要学习B部分Lets talk的对话,通过替换练习让学生掌握所学课文,并能在实际生活中进行正确运用。导 学 展 示 流 程教学目标:1. 帮助学生理解对话,并学会运用句型“How can we get there?”问路。2. 帮助学生学会运用词组“turn left, turn right,”等表述路线。达到简单的交际。教学重点:学生能够充分理解并正确朗读对话。教学难点:如何正确的表述路线,指引他人到达目的地。学案教案 知识链接:(Knowledge links)1. There be句型:表示某地有某物。2. 单词how 的简介:how 是一个特殊疑问词,常用来对身体状况进行询问,例如:How are you? Im fine.Thank you!在本节的学习中,how 还有另外一种用法,主要对方式提问学习指导(Learning guide)1.自主学习对话(试读试翻译,可以借助单词表,不会的注意作标记
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