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.培训记录簿TRAINING LOG BOOK(轮机员专用)(ENGINE DEPARTMENT)此簿用于培训轮机员对大管轮职务的技术和业务的熟悉 FOR TRAINING TO NEXT PROFESSIONAL RANK OF SECOND ENGINEER姓名( CREWS NAME):船名(SHIPS NAME ):二管轮适用ISSUED TO THIRD ENGINEER。Guidance Notes for Completion of Training Log培训记录簿使用指南1. Until ability is proven all On the Job Training must be supervised.所有的在船培训填写内容必须真实有效。2. For the task to be completed Satisfactorily, it must be carried out unaided, showing excellent Safety Awareness.培训内容必须独立完成,反映良好的安全意识,以使达到令人满意的效果。3. Tasks applicable to Tankers are marked (T).适用于油轮的培训内容用字母“T”标注。4. Some tasks may not be applicable to certain types of vessels.某些培训内容可能不适合某些类型的船舶。5. Establish a Portfolio where all evidence and proof required for certain tasks is filed.完成某项培训内容需提供相关证据和说明时,可另附页补充。 个人资料PERSONAL PARTICULARS姓名NAME现行职务POSITION APPLIED出生年月DATE OF BIRTH毕业院校NAME OF SCHOOL毕业年份YEAR OF GRADUATION主要海上资历SEA SERVICE船名NAME OF VESSEL船舶种类TYPE OF VESSEL机器类型TYPE OF ENGINE职务RANK上船日期DATE OF SIGNON离船日期DATE OF SIGNOFF备注REMARKSNo.序号Task培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注FAMILIARIZATION熟悉内容1Job responsibilities of Second Engineer.大管轮的工作职责2Companys ( QSMS / SMS ) Shipboard Manuals.Updating procedure for manuals.公司质量安全管理体系文件,文件的修改/更新程序。3Fully conversant with Chief Engineers, Masters and Company “Standing Orders”.精通轮机长、船长和公司的常规命令内容。4Good knowledge of Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen熟知船员安全工作内容5Second Engineers filing and record keeping system.大管轮的文书管理系统6Location of Manufacturers Service Manuals and System Drawings for applicable machinery.主管设备的使用手册、系统图的存放位置7Location, storage and quantity of spare parts.备件的存放位置及数量情况8Operation of all Critical Equipment.所有关键设备的使用操作情况。9Operation of Steering Gear.舵机的使用操作情况。10Operation of Deck Hydraulic Systems.甲板液压系统的使用操作情况11Operation of Cargo Machinery, Windlass and Mooring Winches.甲板机械及绞缆设备的使用情况12Computer literacy, familiar with any relevant shipboard software programs.电脑操作能力,熟悉船舶相关软件程序131415SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.以上项目业经证实并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 日期; 轮 机 长: 船长:12/12No.序号TASK培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE轮机专业知识1Instrumentation and control functions of following types:下述仪表(器)的功能作用Flow 流量计Level 液位计Pressure 压力表Temperature 温度计Power 功率表2Give the possible causes of a Scavenge Fire, detailing the procedure for extinguishing the fire and describe how to prevent the likelihood of such a fire. * Attach Proof *叙述扫气箱着火的可能原因。细述灭火的程序和防止着火的预防措施。3List actions to be taken in the event of a Stern Tube High Bearing Temperature.论述遇尾轴承高温时应采取的行动。4List possible problems caused by High Sea Water Temperatures and action to help avoid these problems. * Attach Proof *论述冷却海水高温时可能发生的问题和应采取的措施。5Write down instructions detailing the immediate actions to be taken if all ER Bilge Alarms are activated. * Attach Proof *说出机舱污水报警时应马上采取的措施。6The ME Turbocharger(s) have been found damaged from over speeding. If the ME has not run above 90% of MCR, explain the possible causes and ways to prevent this happening again. * Attach Proof *主机增压器损坏的可能原因和预防措施。7Whilst manoeuvring on HO the fuel temperature drops 40C below required injection temperature. List probable causes and immediate actions. * Attach Proof *重油状态下主机机动用车时,油温降低40C,低于所需喷油温度,其可能原因和应采取的措施是什么8Briefly describe the two forms of corrosion that may be found inside auxiliary boilers. State what you would expect to find in a LP boiler that has had poor feed water treatment.简单描述辅助锅炉内部的两种腐蚀形式,如锅炉供水质量差,会出现什么后果。91 (T)2 (T)SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS. 以上项目业经证实并满意Date . Chief Engineer . Master 日期: 轮 机 长 : 船长:No.序号TASK培训内容Officers Initials本人签名Date日期2/E or C/E Sign and Remarks大管轮或轮机长签名及备注TECHNICAL ABILITY技术能力1Correct use of tools observed.常用工具的正确使用。2Overhaul / repair a pneumatically controlled valve.气动控制阀的检修3Overhaul / repair a pneumatic or electric controller.气动或电气控制器的检修4Overhaul / repair a pneumatic transmitter气动传感器的检修5Follow and trace ME control system, able to locate pa
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