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蜂胶的表面解吸常压化学电离质谱分析郭夏丽 1,罗丽萍 1,*,陈焕文 21 南昌大学生命科学与食品工程学院,江西省南昌市南京东路 235 号,3300312 东华理工大学应用化学系,江西省南昌市广兰大道 418 号,330013*Email: lluo2126.com蜂胶(propolis)是蜜蜂从胶源植物上采集的树脂,由蜜蜂混入蜂蜡和腺体分泌物形成的胶状物质。目前关于蜂胶化学组成的研究均是针对蜂胶某一部分进行,通常包括三类:蜂胶醇提物、水提物和挥发性成分1-6。但由于蜂胶的化学组成极为复杂,目前报道中所采用的方法只是从一个方面来研究它,由于手段多样化、个性化,用之来研究成分本来就复杂的蜂胶,其结果往往不尽相同,必然是更加难以做到标准化和规范法。本文采用自行研制的表面解吸常压化学电离源(Surface desorption atmospheric pressure chemical ionization, SDAPCI) 7,在无需样品预处理的前提下用质谱法直接测定蜂胶的化学指纹图谱,并对生松素等 4 种化学成分用串联质谱进行了鉴定。实验结果表明,直接利用空气中的水分作为电离试剂的表面解吸常压化学电离质谱(SDAPCI-MS)能够对蜂胶的挥发性及非挥发性物质进行解吸电离,可快速获得蜂胶的特征化学指纹谱图。关键词:蜂胶;表面解吸常压化学电离;指纹图谱;快速分析参考文献1 Xu, Y. J.; Luo, L. P.; Chen, B.; Fu, Y. X. Front. Biol. China. 2009, 4(4): 385.2 Luo, L. P.; Fu, Y. X.; Xu, Y. J. International Conference of natural products and traditional medicine, 2009.3 Luo, L. P.; Li Y.; Xu, Y. J.; Fu, Y. X.; Chen B. International Conference of Natural Products and Traditional Medicine, 2009, (1-2): 435.4 付宇新, 徐元君, 陈滨, 丽艳. 分析化学, 2009, 37(5): 745.5 陈滨, 罗丽萍, 丽艳, 徐元君. 分析化学, 2009, 37(12): 1786. 6 Zhang, C. P.; Zheng, H. Q.; Liu, G.; Hu, F. L. Food Chem. 2011,127: 345.7 陈焕文, 赖劲虎, 周瑜芬, 郇延富. 分析化学,2007, 35(8):1 233.Direct Analysis of Propolis by Surface Desorption Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass SpectrometryXia-Li Guo 1, Li-Ping Luo1,*, Huan-Wen Chen21 School of Life Sciences and Food Engineering, Nanchang University, 235, Nanjing East Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi 3300472Jiangxi Key Laboratory for Mass Spectrometry and Instrumentation, East China Institute of Technology, 418 Guanglan Road,Nanchang, Jiangxi 330013Abstract: A new surface desorption atmospheric chemical ionization mass spectrometry(SDAPCI-MS) method was established to directly fingerpint various propolis with neither sample pre-treatment nor toxic chemical contamination. Propolis were successfully analyzed based on their unique mass spetral fingerprints. Four flavonoids, chrysin, pinocembrin, quercetin and salicin, were determined, the identification of the molecular structure of interested ions was demonstrated by multiple-stage SDAPCI mass spectrometry. The analysis time was less than 1 s for any single sample, and SDAPCI-MS can be operated online continuously. Clearly, SDAPCI-MS with water vapor in the atmosphere as ionization reagent can detect both volatile and non-volatile chemicals from propolis at ambient pressure,showing its potential in fast and nondestructive analysis of bulk samples.
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