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1,A GLIMPSE OF CHINESE CULTURE,中国文化概况,2,Chapter 8 Culinary Culture,3,学习目标,了解中国饮食文化; 认识中国茶酒文化.,4,Overview,5,Lead-in Activity,Watch and & Think,Watch the video clip and discuss: Do you know anything about Chinese tea? What kind of tea do you like best?,6,Overview,7,Culinary Culture,8,Features of Chinese Food,Colour, Aroma, and Taste Colour: the beautiful color the layout the design Aroma: the fragrant smell the appetising smell Taste: tasting the appreciation of seasonings the appreciation of texture,9,Features of Chinese Food,Cooking Methods locality and climate are important methods: boiling (煮), stewing (炖,煨,焖), frying (煎), stir-frying (炒), quick-frying (爆), deep-frying (炸), frying and simmering(扒),sauting (快煎),smoking(熏),roasting and barbecuing(烤) baking (烘), steaming (蒸) and scalding (白灼),etc.,10,Features of Chinese Food,Seasonings taste mainly depends on the seasonings. many tastessalty (salt, soy sauce), sweet (sugar, honey), sour (vinegar), fragrant (sesame oil, coriander, wine), spicy(chilli, garlic, ginger), tangy(monosodium glutamate or MSG), bitter(dried tangerine, bitter apricot kernel),etc.,11,Features of Chinese Food,Yin-yang Principle Each food has its own characteristics of yin or yang. Yin foods : thin, cold ,low calories. Boiling makes food yin. Yang foods : rich, spicy, hot ,high calories. Frying makes food yang.,12,Features of Chinese Food,Medicinal Function based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine practice combines strictly processed traditional Chinese medicine with traditional culinary materials produce delicious food with health-restoring functions a food tonic is much better than a medicine in fortifying ones health,13,Culinary Culture,14,Eight Regional Cuisines,dishes vary from region to region tastes also differ regionally because of the climatic differences “sweet in the south, salty in the north, sour in the west and spicy in the east”,15,Eight Regional Cuisines,Shandong Cuisine also known as Lucai(鲁菜) emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness, tenderness ,use of minimal fat seasonings: sauce paste, onion, garlic, taste pungent,16,Eight Regional Cuisines,Sichuan Cuisine also known as Chuancai(川菜) spicy and flavourful emphasises the use of chili, pepper, Chinese prickly ash garlic, ginger and fermented soybean,17,Eight Regional Cuisines,Guangdong Cuisine also known as Yuecai (粤菜). fresh, crisp, tender, lightly seasoned. roasting, stir-frying, sauting, deep-frying, stewing and steaming. porridges and soups,18,Eight Regional Cuisines,also known as Mincai(闽菜) light taste, sweet and sour flavour strictly selected ingredients seafood dishes,Fujian Cuisines,19,Eight Regional Cuisines,Jiangsu Cuisines,also known as Sucai (苏菜) distinctive style, characteristically sweet taste original flavour of cooking materials strict election of ingredients exquisite workmanship elegant shapes,20,Eight Regional Cuisines,also known as Zhecai (浙菜) freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness with mellow fragrance comprises the specialties of Hangzhou, Ningbo, shaoxing,Zhejiang Cuisine,21,Anhui Cuisine,Eight Regional Cuisines,also known as Huicai (徽菜) elaborate selection of cooking ingredients strict control of the cooking process original taste and nutrition of the ingredients slightly spicy and salty,22,Eight Regional Cuisines,also known as Xiangcai (湘菜) akin to the chili-rich Sichuan Cuisine dense pungent flavour chili, pepper, shallot hot, sour flavour, fresh aroma, greasiness, deep colour, etc,Hunan Cuisine,23,Culinary Culture,24,Chinese Delicacy A Bite of China,a documentary television programme produced by CCTV intended to familiarise people around the world with Chinese food culture, local customs, great Chinese heritage introduces the history, stories behind food intricacy and cultural origins how much imagination and tradition goes into food of China gained widespread popularity at home and abroad,25,Chinese Delicacy A Bite of China,Now watch a video clip of A Bite of China, and discuss why it is so popular.,26,Culinary Culture,27,Arrangement of Seats,Table Manners,the host prepares adequate seats for the guests Specific seats for the elderly or people of high status(northern side of the table or directly face the entrance to the room) “honored south, humble north”,28,Toast,Table Manners,the host propose a toast saying “Drinking first to show respect” toast with the word ganbei (bottoms up) three toast with the entire company, rather than one separate toast for every individual present some other toasts: toast to your health toast to our friendship,29,Serving Courses,Table Manners,from cold to hot hot entrees should be served starting on the left of the seat across from the main guests. soup served next local staples are served last over-order food,30,Chinese Chopsticks,Table Manners,Host may pick up some dishes for gusts with his own chopsticks(a sign of politeness and hospitality) Hold chopsticks in the middle ,make sure the ends are even Dont stick chopsticks upright
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