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Unit 4 My home B Lets talk,It is .,They are .,a hand,hands,It is .,They are .,a desk,desks,They are .,It is .,a phone,phones,It is .,They are .,kitchen,Is it ?,Yes, it is.,No, it isnt.,Are they ?,Yes, they are.,Are they ?,No, they arent.,They are birds.,on / in / under /near the box.,Lets play,Lets play,on / in / under /near the desk.,Question Time,Its near the chair.,Its under the chair.,Its on the chair.,Where is the pig?,Question Time,Where is the dog?,Its on the table.,Where are the dogs ?,table 圆桌,They are on the table.,Question Time,Yes, they are.,Where are the dogs ?,Are they on the table?,No, they arent.,Are they under the table?,Question Time,Yes, they are.,Are they on the phone?,Are they near the phone?,No, they arent.,phone 电话,Be(is, am ,are) 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are, is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is, 复数名词全用are。 变疑问,往前提, 句末问号莫丢弃。 变否定,更容易, be后not莫忘记。 疑问否定任你变, 句首大写莫迟疑。,They are near the TV.,Where are the apples?,They are near the phone.,Where are the apples?,They are on the fridge.,Where are the oranges?,kitchen,They are on the chair.,Where are the oranges?,They are near the phone.,Where are the oranges?,They are on the table.,Where are the oranges?,Where are the keys?,A. Theyre near the phone. B. Theyre in the door. C. Theyre on the table.,Listen and choose,Theyre in the door. They are in the door.,Are they in the door?,Yes, they are.,Open the door, please .,Ok.,Where are the keys?,Are they on the table?,No, they arent.,Are they near the phone ?,Mom:,John:,Mom:,John:,Mom:,John:,Act in roles角色扮演,No, they arent.,Mom:,John:,Look! They are in the door.,1. 询问物体的位置:,What do we learn today:,回答:,Where are the.?,2. 猜测物体的位置:,Are they in/ on/ under/near the.?,Yes,they are. / No, they arent.,Homework,Put your things away and clean your room by yourself. 收好自己的物品并自己打扫房间。 Role play in groups. 分组进行角色表演。,Good-bye!,
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