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The One Where Underdog Gets Away109气球飞了 乔伊为卫生机构的海报当模特,后来方知那是治疗性病的广告。 罗斯发现苏珊在为卡萝肚里的孩子念书听,不甘示弱决定照做。 因父母外出,罗斯和莫妮卡开始准备自己的感恩节大餐; 菲比要和他俩一起庆祝,因为她向来同祖母一起过感恩节,而祖母的新男友用阴历不用阳历,他们家将在12月才过感恩节。 乔伊也加入了,因为他家里人以为他有脏病。 钱德力图抵制感恩节因为当年他的父母在节日那天宣布离婚; 瑞秋的如意算盘则是和家人去山里滑雪。 游行当中大气球脱线飞走了;大家都跑上楼顶去看热闹,结果忘带钥匙全被关在了莫妮卡的门外; 晚饭烧焦了,瑞秋误掉了班机,大家只好吃钱德的奶酪三明治和洋葱小食品作为晚餐。 丑陋裸男邀来丑陋裸女共进感恩节晚餐,之后他们携手丑陋裸舞1.09 The One Where Underdog Gets AwayJoey poses for a health poster, but later finds out hes become the V.D. poster boy. Ross finds out Susan is reading to the unborn baby and decides he must, too. Ross and Monica plan their own Thanksgiving dinner because their parents are away; Phoebe joins them, because she celebrates with her grandmother and her grandmothers boyfriend. in December. because hes lunar; Joey joins in because his family thinks he has V.D.; Monica has to make three kinds of potatoes. Chandler plans to boycott Thanksgiving because his parents announced their divorce on that day; Rachel has plans to go to Vail to be with her family. The Underdog balloon breaks free during the parade; Everyone goes to the roof to watch but they get locked out of Monicas apartment; The dinner is burned and Rachel misses her flight. Everyone ends up eating Chandlers cheese sandwiches and Funyuns for Dinner. Ugly Naked Guy has Thanksgiving dinner with Ugly Naked Gal, and theres Ugly Naked Dancing.Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is confronting her boss, Terry.Rachel: Terry, I, I, I know that I havent worked here very long, but I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance on my salary?advance n.预付 预付款(+on)eg: He was given an advance of fifty dollars on his salaryTerry: An advance?Rachel: Its so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family. See, every year we go skiing in Vail, and normally my father pays for my ticket, but I sort of started the whole independence thing, you know, which is actually why I took this job.normally adv.通常地/The Town of Vail is a Home Rule(n.地方自治) Municipality located in Eagle County, Colorado. According to 2005 Census Bureau(n.人口调查局) estimates, the population of the city is 4,589.The town was established in 1966 at the base of Vail Ski Resort, which opened in December 1962. The town is famous for its skiing and other winter sports in addition to being a year round destination for outdoor activities/Vail:剧中瑞秋攒钱想和家人一起去韦尔(Vail)度感恩节假。韦尔是美国最著名的两个滑雪圣地之一,在丹佛市附近。它的特色是滑雪山坡离市区很近,从家中穿上滑雪鞋就可去滑雪。此外,它夏天还有音乐会,因此成为美国富人云集的度假胜地。Terry: Rachel, Rachel, sweetheart. Youre a terrible, terrible waitress. Really, really awful.Rachel: Ok, I, I hear what youre sayin. Im with you. Um, but I, but Im trying really hard. And I think Im doing better. I really do. Does anybody need coffee? (everyone in the place raises their hand) Oh, look at that.Im with you 我同意你Opening CreditsScene: Central Perk, Rachel is approaching a customer.Rachel: Excuse me, sir. Hi, you come in here all time. I was just wondering, do you think theres a possibility that you could give me an advance on my tips?Guy: Huh?Rachel: Ok, ok, thats fine. Fine. Hey, Im sorry about that spill before. (picks up the tip he leaves) Only $98.50 to go.spill n.溢出 溅出(Monica enters.)Monica: Hey. Ross, did you know Mom and Dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving?Puerto Rico n.波多黎各/本集故事就发生在Thanksgiving(感恩节)的大背景下,这个节日始于1621年。那年秋天,远涉重洋来到美洲的英国移民,为了感谢上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。1863年,美国总统林肯正式宣布感恩节为国定假日。届时,家家团聚,举国同庆,其盛大、热烈的情形,不亚于中国人过春节,在美国甚至比圣诞节还要隆重,这个节日里面,饭桌上火鸡(Turkey)和南瓜饼(Pumpkin Pie)是必不可少的菜肴,因此又叫火鸡节,这些希望能够在观看的时候慢慢体会。/关于英美的主要节日,这里也做一个介绍: New Years Day:新年,元旦,1月1日;St.Valentines Day:圣瓦伦丁节(情人节)2月14日;All Foolss Day or April Foolss Day:愚人节4月1日;Good Friday:耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五);Easter:复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日,4月);Easter Monday复活节后的星期一;Holy Thursday:耶稣升天节(复活节后的40天的星期四);May Day or Labour Day:五一劳动节;the Spring Bank Holiday:春假(英国5月最后一个星期一);Mothers Day:母亲节(5月第二个星期日);Memorial Day:阵亡将士纪念日(美国,5月26日);Independence Day:美国独立纪念日(7月4日);the Summer Bank Holiday:夏季公假(英国,8月最后一个星期一);Columbus Day:哥伦布日(10月12日);Halloween:万圣节前夕(10月31日);Hallowmas:万圣节(11月1日);Armistice day or Veterans Day:第一,二次世界大战的停战纪念日(11月11日);Thanksgiving Day:感恩节(在美国是11月的第二个星期一);Christmas Eve:圣诞节前夜(12月24日);Christmas Day:圣诞节(12月25日);Boxing Day:节礼日(圣诞节次日,如遇星期日,推迟一天)。 Ross: No, theyre not.Monica: Yes, they are. The Blymens invited them.Ross: Youre wrong.Monica: I am not wrong.Ross: Youre wrong.Monica: No, I just talked to them.Ross: (getting up, upset) Im calling Mom.(Joey enters. His face looks abnormally colorful.)abnormally adv.反常地Joey: Hey, hey.Chandler: Hey.Phoebe: Hey.Chandler: And this from the cry-for-help department. Are you wearing makeup?wear makeup v.涂化妆品Joey: Yes, I am. As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani, actor slash model.as of today adv.从今天开始/actor slash model演员/模特Chandler: Thats so funny, cause I was thinking you look more like Joey Tribbiani, man slash woman.Ph
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