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astronomy n. 天文学 astronomer n.天文学家 astronaut n.宇航员 religion n. 宗教;宗教信仰 religious adj.宗教的;虔诚的 theory n. 学说;理论 theoretical adj. 理论的;理论上的,violent 暴力的;强烈的 【拓展】violently adv.粗暴地;强烈的 violence n.暴力,暴行 violate v.违反;扰乱 【词组】domestic violence 家庭暴力 【形似词】violet valt n. 紫罗兰adj. 紫色的;紫罗兰色的,in time 及时;迟早 【拓展】on time 按时;准时 in no time 立即;马上 at one time 一度 at no time 绝不; from time to time 有时;偶尔=at times carbon n. 碳 【词组】carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 adopt a low-carbon lifestyle采取低碳的生活方式,unlike prep. 与不同;不像; Unlike her younger brother, she is very diligent. 和她弟弟不同的是,她很刻苦。 拓展: (1)unlikely adj. 不大可能的;未必会发生的; Its unlikely that 的可能性不大 (2)likely adj. 可能的adv.很可能 Its likely that 可能 (3) sb./sth. be likely to do sth. 有可能做某事 这位影星可能来。The movie star _ _ _ _.,is likely to come,fundamental a.基本的,根本的 【例句】Fresh air is fundamental to good health. 新鲜的空气是身体健康所必需的。 【近义词】essential adj. adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的 primary adj. 基本的; 首要的,主要的,harmful adj. harmless be harmful to sb./sth.= do harm to sb. /sth. 对有害 Many people are aware of the harmful effects of smoking. 很多人都意识到了吸烟的危害。 【联想拓展】 (1)be harmful to 对有害 (2) harm n.&v. 损害,伤害 do harm to sb.= do sb. harm = harm sb. 对某人有害; (3)There is no harm in doing sth. 做某事没有害处,The laid eggs too and existed on the earth existence n.存在,是一个不可数名词 come into existence出现;产生 There be 句型中的be动词可以换用exist, live, stand等。 exist in 存在与之中 exist on 靠为生 exist by 靠生存 It was impossible for them to _such a small/little/low income. The universe _space.,exist on,exists in,在学习上取得进步没有任何害处。 There is no harm in making progress on study. (4) 无害的;不致伤的; harmless 【即学即练】 吸烟有害健康。 Smoking _ _ _ your health.,does harm to,is harmful to,3.exist vi. 存在;生存 (无被动,无进行) Man cannot exist without air. (1) exist on 靠生活、生存 他们靠微薄的收入生存是不可能的。 Its impossible for them to exist on a small/low/ little income. (2) there exists/existed 某地有 在我们公司门口有两个巨大的石狮子。 There exists 2 huge stone lions at our company gate. 拓展:(3)existence n. 存在;生活; come into existence 产生;成立;开始存在; Do you know when the English word“tuhao“ _ _ _,come into existence,4.puzzle vt. &vi. (使)迷惑;(使)为难 n.谜;难题 Her reply puzzled me. 她的回答把我弄糊涂了。 (2) puzzle about/over . 对感到迷惑;苦苦思索; 她几个星期也琢磨不透他那封奇怪的来信。Shes been _ _ his strange letter for weeks. Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me. 他们为什么要做此事我仍莫名其妙。 (3) be a puzzle to sb 对某人来说是个谜,(1)puzzle sb. 使某人困惑,puzzling over,【联想拓展】 (4)puzzled adj.迷惑不解的;困惑的 be puzzled about 对迷惑不解 puzzling adj.令人费解的 【即学即练】 She felt _ about her future. A.puzzle B.puzzling C.puzzled D.puzzles,C,in time 及时;迟早,总有一天 He is believed to arrive in time. 相信他会按时到达。 ahead of time in no time at one time at no time all the time,提前 立即,马上 同时,曾经,从前曾 从不,决不 一直; 始终; 老是,at a time at all times (at) any time at times for the time being from time to time,一次; 同时; 一下子; 每次 不论什么时候, 老是 随时; 无论何时 有时, 偶尔, 不时 暂时, 暂且 时常; 有时,(2)Its time to do sth./Its time that sb. did/should do sth. 到了某人做某事的时间 It/This is the first/second.time sb. have/has done. 是某人第次(完成时) each/every time+从句每次时,老板命令我们提前完成任务。 The boss ordered us to finish our task ahead of time. 慢慢整理行李,因为我们还有一个半小时。 Take your time packing, for we still have one and a half hour. 我们决不能向敌人屈服。 At no time can we give in to the enermy.,prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 同义短语还有stop sb. from doing sth. =keep sb. from doing sth. 但是需要注意的是:主动语态中,prevent/stop sb. from doing sth.中的from可以省略, 但keep sb. from doing sth.中的from则不能省略;在被动语态中,三个句型中的from都不能省略。 应该派一些警察去阻止他们砍树。 Some policeman should be sent to _them_ the trees.,stop cuting down prevent cuting down keep from cuting down,lay vt.放置;压倒;使躺下;放倒 vt. & vi.生蛋, 产卵 他把外衣放在椅子上。 He laid his coat over a chair. 这样冷的天气母鸡不会下蛋。 The hens dont lay eggs during this cold weather.,显然他是在撒谎。 Obviously he was lying. 山脚下有一个小镇。 There lies a small town at the foot of the mountain.,6.in ones turn 轮到某人; In my turn, I told them a joke. 常用结构: (1) in turn依次;轮流;转而;反过来; (2) take turns (to do sth./doing sth.)轮流(做某事) (3) Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 【即学即练】 1.让我们轮流来做这项实验。 Lets do this experiment _ _ . 2.你的态度影响别人,它又将会反过来影响你。 Your attitude affects others which _ _ affects you. 3.今天该我洗盘子洗碗了。 Its my turn _ _ _ today.,in turn,in turn,to wash up,in turn out of turn take turns turn against turn around (=turn round) turn away turn back,轮流地; 挨个, 依次; 反过来 不按顺序地 依次, 轮班; 轮流 背叛 转过去, 转身 (转过脸去, 背过脸去; 把打发走, 把驱逐出去; 解雇) 转回去, 往回走,turn off 关(自来水、电灯、收音机等) turn on 拧开(自来水、电灯、收音机) turn out 生产, 制造; 培养出;驱逐(某人)出去; 解雇(某人);证明是;结果是; 发展为. turn to 指向, 转向;求助于, 依赖 turn up 向上; 向上翻; 使朝上;开大; 扭亮(灯火等); 加快(速度等);露面, 来到; 发生, 出现; (东西)被找到,1. crash 1)vt./vi. 碰撞,坠落 crash into. 冲入,撞入 2) n.相撞(事故),飞机的(坠落),坠落声 a plane/car crash 飞机失事/汽车相撞事故 with a crash 随着撞击声 eg:The motorcycle_ the fence. eg:An airliner_west of Dever last night. eg:The glass fell to the floor_.,crashed into,crashed,with a crash,2. pull vt. 拉,拖 n. 拉力,牵引力 pull 拉,拖 push 推 相关短语: pull dow
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