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高二英语复习讲义-学案版Module 7 Unit 1-2课题: Module7 Unit 1 Living with technology 课型:自主学习课程 2016.4.9【课前预习】. 在课本中查找下列单词短语,并熟记。P1: over time P5: the primary means of P6: operate these products;all kinds of(all walks of life 各行各业的) P9: at the dentists; comfort sb in some way P10: an all-round electronic dictionary P11: be shaped like; an easy-to-read screen; evolution (evolve); stable (stability) steady; pick up the receiver 拿起话筒; shallow (shadow; hollow); sacrifice. 重点短语1. make the first public TV broadcasts 首次公开播出无线电视传输节目2. make breakthroughs 做出突破 3. over long distances 经过长距离4. allow sth. to be done 让成为可能 (make it possible to do ) 5. use as 把用作6. make sth accessible to 使可接近 7. keep pace with sb./sth. (与)并驾齐驱/步调一致 8. in truth 事实上(in fact/effect/practice) 9. face to face 面对面 10. over the phone 在电话里 11. answer the phone/call 接电话(answer the door 开门) 12. live in peace 宁静地生活 13. for good measure 额外地 . 佳句翻译。1)在刚过去的几十年里,技术的发展是惊人的。(see P1)_2)例如,无论在什么情况下,当电话铃响起时,为了接电话,一切都得停下来。(P14L46)_3)因为阿曼门诺教徒重视彼此面对面交流,所以他们反对在住宅里装电话。(P14L21) _4) 也许我们现在应该摆脱现代技术,回归更为简单的时代。(rid sb of sth P15L110)_【难点解析】1. keep in touch with 和保持联系get in touch with和取得联系 lose/out of touch with 和失去联系touch vt.触碰使感动 与匹敌(常用于否定句)No one can touch these girls for professionalism. touch on 简略地谈及,触及(话题等) n.a touch of rain 少量的,微量的 a touch/ a bit/ somewhat uneasy/expensive有点儿 2. drawback 缺点,缺陷,不利条件(disadvantage; shortcoming) setback 挫折,阻碍 barrier 障碍,阻力(to sth.) weak points/weaknesses 缺点,弱点3. principle n.原则,法则;道德原则,行为准则 principal a.最重要的,主要的n.大学校长 be against/stick to ones principles违反/遵守原则 in principle 原则上a matter of principle 原则问题4. distribute vt. 使分布,分散 n. distribution; distributor 近义词:allocate; circulate; allot; assign; dispensedistribute sth. to/among sb. 把某物分发给某人 be evenly distributed 平均分配the unfair distribution of wealth 财富分配不公 5. wind (wound wound) v.上发条,缠绕,蜿蜒,曲折 n. 曲折,绕圈,风 (区别wild; mild)wind up the watch/clock 上发条 wind/roll the windows up/down摇上/摇下汽车窗玻璃 wind ones way 蜿蜒,弯弯曲曲向前(struggle/make/feel/fight/push ones way)6. storage n. 贮存,储存in storage在储存中 A lot of grain is ruined in storage.很多粮食是在储存过程中损失掉的。store n. 贮存物,备用物 v. store up 囤货/储备大量物品have a good store of sth. 储存了大量的 ; a vast store of knowledge 丰富的知识in store (for sb.) 即将发生(在某人身上) We dont know what life holds in store for us. 我们不知道等待我们的将是什么生活。 If she had known what lay in store for her, she would never have agreed to go. 要是她事先知道会有什么遭遇的话,她是决不会同意去的。7. foresee (foresaw; foreseen) 预料,预见,预知 fore-: forehead; forecast; foretell; forewarn; forefront; forefather post-: post-90s generation; postpone; postscript; postmodernism; postwar8. be sceptical/skeptical of/about 对怀疑 be doubtful of/about 对怀疑 be suspicious of ; be cynical about 对怀疑的,悲观的 cast doubt on9. ample 足够的,充足的 adequate足够的,合乎需要的 abundant大量的,丰盛的 sufficient足够的,充足的 teeming 多产的,丰富的 (enough; plenty of;) 10. casual adj. 非正式的,随便的;漫不经心的,不经意的 casual meeting 邂逅casual attitude towards work 对工作漫不经心的态度 casual workers 临时工n. casualty (战争或事故的)伤亡人员11. suitable a. 合适的,适当的suited a. suit v.使适应,合适; n 诉讼,套装,恳求 suit 衣服的颜色和款式适合; 对方便,适应的要求 fit: 大小合身; 能胜任的 be fit for/to do; match 和.相配;go with 与相配,与某事相伴而生; agree with (气候,食物)适合1. This climate does not agree with him . 2. The color of her dress doesnt at all match/go with her hair . 3. The coat fits me well, but the color doesnt suit me.12. oppose v.反对,抵制,阻挠,与竞争 oppose A to/against B 使A与B对抗/对照 (match A against B让A与B较量)be against; object to; oppose doing 反对做 opposed adj. 反对的,相反的 be opposed to sth./doing 反对做,与相反opposite adj.相反地,对面的 sit opposite to the teacher 13. valid adj. 合理的,有根据的 valid/solid/hard/convincing evidence 确凿的证据(反义词)invalid inexperienced inappropriate informal;irregular irresponsible irrelevant;illegal illiterate不识字的,不会读写的impractical impolite impossible improbable impure immoral不道德的,邪恶的14. typical a.平常的,典型的,有代表性的,特有的It is typical of sb. to do 是某人的特点;某人一向如此(做事)On a typical day, about 5 million people ride the Shanghai Underground.【识记】1.makealistof列清单2.advantagesanddisadvantages优缺点=strengthsandweaknesses=plusesandminuses
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