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Unit 3 Where did you go?Part B Lets talk 教学设计 【教学目标】1.语言技能:(1)能够听懂、会说、认读词组或单词:buy gifts, winter holiday, Sanya, beach, took lots of pictures, went swimming, sometime.(2)完成听力任务,正确选择Wu Yifan与Amy正在讨论的事物,以及Sarah所买礼物是要送给谁。(3)能够运用“一般过去时”句型“Where did you go? / How did you go? / What did you do?”来询问过去到过的地方、去某地的交通方式以及在某地做了什么事。(4)能够熟练相应的句式回答以上问题。2.语言知识:(1)能在具体的语境中进一步理解“一般过去时”的表意功能。(2)学会有关“一般过去时”的句型, 并能在现实生活中运用。3.情感态度、学习策略与文化意识:(1)能够积极参与课堂各项英语学习活动。(2)能够主动对新学的知识进行总结与归纳。(3)能够初步了解海南三亚的气候特点。【教学重点】1.句型:Where did you go over the winter holiday? / My family and I went to Sanya. / How did you go there? / We went there by plane. / What did you do there? / I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming.2.词汇:buy gifts, winter holiday, Sanya, beach, took lots of pictures, went swimming, sometime.3.“一般过去时”句型在现实生活中运用。【教学难点】1.新词汇与句型较多2.一般过去时在日常生活中的具体应用【教学用具】1.教师准备与本课时相关课件、点读机。【教学过程】Step 1:warm-up1.Greeting.师生用英语互相问候。2.Chant together见课件3.口头作文。Last weekend4.Free talk 复习学过的对话Step 2:PresentationLets try.(1)Read and describe the tips.(阅读与讨论课文中的听力提示与两道题目,了解大致信息,解决难点词汇。)Wu Yifan and Amy meet Sarah at school.What are they talking about? ( A.School. B.Holidays.)Who did Sarah buy gifts for? ( A.Amy and John. B.Wu Yifan and Amy.)(2)Listen to the tape and choose the right answer.(听录音,选择正确答案)Teacher : Sarah went to Hangzhou . Guess : Where did I go over my winter holiday ?Student guess . Did you go to ?(3)Tell them I went to Sanya and describe the pictures.(看有关“海南三亚”的图画,欣赏美景,学习部分词汇)2.Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(听录音,看课文,找答案)(1). Where did Amy go over the winter holiday ?(2). How did she go there ?(3). What did she do there ? (4). How was the beach ?(5). Did she take any pictures 3.Listen, repeat and anlyze the text.(听录音,模仿录音中的语音语调跟读,然后分析文章重点)4.Read and act.(分组、同桌表演对话)Step 3:Practice1.Talk about your winter holiday.Tips:(1)How was your winter holiday? (2)Where did you go?(3)How did you go?(4)What did you do there?2.小组合作学习讨论假期去过那里?怎么去的?做了哪些事情?3.完成小卷习题。Step4: 拓展丰富课前的口头作文。Step 5 : Homework1.听录音,熟读P26 Lets talk内容。2.以Last weekend 为题,描述你上周末去了哪里?怎么去的?都做了什么?心情如何?
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