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I基于单片机的带有汉字显示及语音播报的超声波测距系统设计摘 要测量作为各领域一个重要的工具,有着悠久的历史。在我国,早在秦始皇时期就已经统一了度量衡,推行“一法度衡量丈尺,车同轨,书同文字”,并制定了一套严格的管理制度。同样,测量的方法及使用的仪器也有着纷繁复杂的选择,比如有游标式测量仪器,机械式测量仪器,电学式测量仪器等。随着科学技术的发展,超声波测量法在众多测量方法中脱颖而出,由于超声波具有方向性好,穿透性强,尤其是在光不透明的固体中,它碰到杂质或分界面就有显著的反射等优点,超声波测距在测量中的应用越来越广泛,笔者设计的是一个多功能的带有汉字显示及语音播报的超声波测距系统。本文系统介绍了一种基于单片机CC2530的带有汉字显示及语音播报的超声波测距系统。整个电路采用模块化设计,硬件部分由超声波测距模块、单片机模块、温度传感器模块、语音播报模块、LCD显示模块组成,软件部分由测距发送模块,播报显示模块组成。本文给出了详细的软,硬件设计方案。本超声波测距仪测量距离0.20m5.00m,测距精度1,具有汉字显示及语音播报等功能,测量时与待测物体无直接接触,具有整体性好,精度高,可靠性好,控制简单方便等特点。本设计完成实物的制作,实物效果能达到设计要求。关键词:测距仪,单片机,超声波,TMP275温度传感器,Nokia5110液晶显示器,WT588DABSTRACTAs a significant tool in various fields, measuring has a long history. In China, it can date back to the period of Qin Shi Huang, who standardized the system of weights and measures, promoted “Apply the same system of measuring methods and tools, the same road width and the same written language”, and also formulated a set of strict management system. Similarly, measuring methods and equipment also have a complicated choice, such as vernier measuring equipment, mechanical measuring equipment and electrical measuring equipment etc. With the development of science and technology, the ultrasonic measurement method has stood out from numerous measuring methods. As it has the advantages of good direction and strong penetrability, especially in the opaque objects, it can reflect when it encounter impurity or interface. The application of ultrasonic distance measurement in measuring becomes increasingly extensive in measuring. The author has designed a multifunctional ultrasonic distance measurement system with Chinese display and voice broadcast.This paper systematically introduces an ultrasonic distance measurement system with Chinese display and voice broadcast based on CC2530 single chip microcomputer. The whole circuit adopts modular design; the hardware part consists of ultrasonic ranging module, single chip microcomputer module, temperature sensing module, voice broadcasting module and LCD displaying module; the software part consists of distance measurement and wireless transmitting module as well as voice broadcasting and displaying module. This paper presents the detailed design scheme of software and hardware.The ultrasonic distance measurement system can measure the distance from 0.2m to 5m and has the precision of 1cm,which has Chinese display and voice broadcast function. There is no direct contact when measuring the distance of the specific object with good integrity, high precision, good reliability in control, simple and great convenient.This design has completed the manufacture of the phisical production, the effect can meet the design requirements.Key words: Range finder, Single chip microcomputer, Ultrasonic wave, TMP275 temperature sensor, Nokia5110 LCD monitor,WT588DIII基于单片机的带有汉字显示及语音播报的超声波测距系统设计目 录1 绪论-11.1课题设计目的及意义-11.2超声波测距系统的现状和发展-12 系统的总体方案设计-42.1系统的主要功能-42.2硬件总体设计框图:-42.3测距发送模块框图-42.4播报及显示模块框图-52.5硬件的选型-53 系统的硬件结构设计-83.1主控芯片CC2530单片机及最小外围电路-83.2超声波收发模块US-020接口设计及性能分析-123.3温度补偿模块TMP275接口设计及性能分析-143.4 LCD显示模块Nokia 5110接口设计及性能分析-173.5 LED电路接口设计-183.6语音播报模块WT588D接口设计及性能分析-194 系统软件设计-224.1系统总程序设计-224.2超声波测距仪的设计原理-224.3超声波测距方法的选择-224.4超声波测距仪的算法设计-234.5测距发送模块流程图-
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