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PEP小学英语教学设计 授课教材:(供三年级起使用)五年级下册 授课内容:Unit One Period two: Lets try & Lets talk 授课年级:Grade 5 授课类型:新授课 授课人:张孝花小学英语五年级下册人教版第1单元 “My day” 第二课时一教材分析本课题选自PEP小学英语五年级下册第一单元。本单元内容与学生的日常生活密切相关,重点学习一天中不同时间断内生活起居和学习情况,以及周末活动安排的表达。本单元分为6个课时,融合了听、说、读、写四个方面的内容。该课时为本单元的第二个课时,教学内容为:Lets try & Lets talk。2 学情分析本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,学生的英语口语能力和语言组织能力比较强,有利于后面的口语练习。而且,由于本科内容贴近学生的日常生活,因此,谈论起他们的日常生活时,他们都有亲身经历和体验,有话可说,有感而发。学生在学本课内容之前,已经掌握了一些关于日常生活和学习情况的单词或短语,这为后面的学习奠定了一定的基础。3 设计理念本课采用3P 教学方法,在教学过程中教师通过对语言知识的呈现和操练让学生掌握,然后再让学生进行成果展示,从而达到语言的输出,形成学习成果。由于本课时的教学内容主要是一段对话,里面包含的有新短语,新句型,新语法点的学习,所以需要在老师的讲解和指导下进行。3P教学模式便于教师组织和控制课堂,提高学习效率。本节课从感知性的模仿活动到机械性的操练活动,再到有意义的交际活动,以保证教学目的的顺利实现。4 教学目标1. Knowledge aims: By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:1) . Use the five phrases correctly: finish class, eat lunch, go back to, after lunch, eat dinner.2) . Use the sentence structure “When do you.?” “I . at .” to ask and answer the questions about daily timetable.2. Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:1) Describe their own day and ask other students day in the real situation.2) Improve their listening and speaking abilities.3. Emotional aims: By the end of the lesson, students can be able to: Make a reasonable arrangement of daily life and learning.5 教学重点、难点1. Teaching key points:1) To use the five phrases correctly: finish class, eat lunch, go back to, after lunch, eat Dinner.2) To use the sentence structure “When do you.?” “I . at .” correctly.2. Teaching difficult points:1) To distinguish the meaning of the four frequency adverbs: sometimes, usually, often, always.2) To distinguish the usage of the three time prepositions: at, in, on.6 教具 七教学过程 PPT,blackboard, chalk, headdresses.StepsTeacher activityStudent activityTime(min)1.Warm-up &lead-in1) Enjoy a song: My day2) Free talk: review T: When do you get up? S:. T: When do you go to school? S:. T: When do you eat dinner? S:. (由free talk 环节自然引到 pedro一天的时间安排)T: How about pedro s day? Lets watch together.1) Listen to the song2) Answer the questions232. Presentation1) Predict the text (教师呈现张鹏和Pedro聊 天的图片) T: Zhang Peng and Pedro are talking about the school life, what will Zhang Peng ask Pedro? If you are Zhang Peng, what do you want to ask?(如果学生的回答偏离文章 主题,老师可以引导学生提问有关作息时间的问题。)2) Present the text Play audio and ask a Question:T: Where are Zhang Peng and Pedro? Play audio 2 or three times and ask students to fill in the table.T: Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the table, please pay attention to the time in the dialogue. (老师播放PPT,出示表格)3) Teach the phrases and grammar points finish class, eat lunch, go back to, after lunch, eat dinner. (老师板书讲解并举例造 句,可以不时地穿插句 型向学生提问: When do you eat lunch/.? usually, always, often, sometimes(老师展示PPT讲解) in, at, on(老师展示PPT讲解).oclockT:(强调)整点时间后面要用 oclock,非整点时间后面 不能用。 too: 太;也 Eg: - I like eating apple, too. (也) This boy is too clever. (太)when: 提问时间T: 询问他人何时做了某事: When+do/does+人/人称+动词原形/ 动词短语 Eg: When do you go for a walk?When does she go to school?1)Answer the question2) . Listen and tick (回答Lets try的问 题) Listen to the audio and take notes, then present the answer.3) Listen carefully, take notes and make sentences.22383. Practice1) The practice of the dialogue 对话配音 (关闭对话视频的声音,请学生两人一组给对话配音,选出语音语调最佳的一组,给于表扬)2) The practice of the phrases利用板书回顾5个短语,让学生运用这5个短语以及4个频率副词口头描述自己的一天。( T should provide help if necessary.)1) Dub the dialogue2) Describe their own day334. Production1) Role-play (教师呈现4种不同职业的头饰:taxi driver, cook, basketball player, doctor, 请学生两人一组选择一种职业进行角色扮演。)(老师戴上taxi driver的头饰 先和一位学生示范:)T: Hello, I am a taxi driver.S: Hi, when do you get up?T: I usually get up at 5 a.m.S: When do you eat dinner?T: .2) Make a survey T: Six people as a group to ask your partners daily timetable and take notes, then describe your survey for us.( T walks around to provide any help Ss need.)T:(评选出谁的作息时间好,引导学生养成良好的生活和学习习惯。)1) Role-play2) Ask their partners daily timetable and take notes, then verbally describe their partners daily timetable. Discussion 455. Summary 1) 总结今天所学重点内容T: (利用板书回顾今天所学的重点短语,句子,语法点)2) 总结情感态度T:We should maintain a reasonable daily routine. Only in this way, can we keep fit and study well.1) Do the summary with the teacher.2)Lis
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