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菜 单(主桌)时蔬沙拉+陆小菜清汤牛肉秘制羊排清蒸鳕鱼脆虾球白灼芦笋面点:金丝馓子,素煎饺主食:榄菜炒饭田园鲜果甜品:巧克力慕斯MENUHors dOeuvres* * *Stewed BeefLamb ChopsSteamed CodfishCrispy Shrimp RollsBoiled Asparagus* * *FriedDough Twist & Fried Dumplings* * *FriedRice with Kale Borecole* * *Fresh Fruits* * *Chocolate Mousse菜 单(副桌)凉菜:酱香牛腱手撕土鸡老醋蛰头美味沙丁鱼蓝莓藕片时蔬沙拉凉拌恢恢菜热菜:清汤鸡豆花回乡手抓肉清蒸桂鱼黑椒炒牛柳特色烩小吃青豆炒虾仁黄油西兰花香菇菜心面点:牛角包主食:榄菜炒饭田园鲜果MENUBeef Marinated with Soy SauceShredded ChickenJellyfish in VinegarSardineLotus Root in Blueberry SauceVegetable SaladChenopodium Album Linn (goosefoots)* * *Stewed Chicken with TofuLamb ChopsSteamed Mandarin fishFried Beef Tenderloin with PepperStewed SnacksFried Lima-bean with ShrimpFried BroccoliFriedCabbage with Mushrooms* * *Croissant* * *FriedRice with Kale Borecole* * *Fresh Fruits2016年国际和平日纪念活动文艺晚会同在和平阳光下节目简介Gala Performance for Commemoration of theInternational Day of Peace 2016In the Sunshine of PeaceProgramme开场舞蹈盛世欢歌黄河长歌,凤翔九天,我们怀着深情厚谊,采撷山花儿之芬芳献给五洲四海的朋友,唱响盛世礼赞,祈福和平、友谊。Opening Dance:Song of Peace and Prosperity黄河长歌,凤翔九天,我们怀着深情厚谊,采撷山花儿之芬芳献给五洲四海的朋友,唱响盛世礼赞,祈福和平、友谊。In this wonderful moment, we sing together forfriendship, peace and prosperity, and welcome the friends from all over theworld.1、男女声二重唱我和你我和你,心连心,同住地球村,来吧朋友,伸出你的手,你和我心连心,永远一家人。1. Duet:You and MeYou and me, livein the same planet, come together, and we are family.2、舞蹈塞上那片彩云一位回族女子出现在遥远的天边,白云为她作伞,彩云为她铺路,她似母亲携着关爱,似天仙带着祥和,从天边沿彩桥款款而下。一道靓丽的彩虹飘然而起,飞舞的彩虹又成了展翅飞翔的凤凰。2.Dance:Iridescent Cloud of NingxiaA lady of Hui ethnicity comes to us from afar. Sheis a mother bringing us love;she is afairy bringing the world auspiciousness. The rainbow becomes a flying phoenix.3、女声独唱和谐圆舞曲和畅的春风吹绿天涯海角,和悦的笑容挂在百姓眉梢,和美的家园传承春晖寸草,和睦的人间荡起大爱浪潮,和谐的中国,盛世祥云飘。歌曲契合主题,表达对祖国无限美好的祝愿。3.Female Solo :Harmony WaltzHarmonious China, harmonious family, and the people aspire to lasting peaceand happiness.4、二胡齐奏战马奔腾二胡是音色醇厚、表现力极强的民族乐器,演奏中国经典乐曲战马奔腾,乐曲展现跃马驰骋、开拓奋进的景象。4. Erhu Ensemble:Galloping HorsesErhu is a national instrument withpure and expressive tones. TheGalloping Horsesbrings a scene of horsesgalloping and forging ahead.5、情景杂技放羊娃的花儿黄河水引上山,快乐的放羊小哥与羊群互动表演,在情景杂技中展现技艺,俏皮的回族姑娘又与放羊小哥对歌调情,营造了回族儿女热爱生活的场景。5. Acrobatics:Huaer of shepherd boyThe happy shepherd boy sings antiphonal songs witha beautiful Hui lady and performs acrobatics to express their love for life.6、歌舞走咧走咧去宁夏歌声伴着舞步飞扬,听听黄河边尕妹的歌,看看贺兰山美岩画,丝绸之路通天涯。展示宁夏旅游、人文景观,让人心醉。6. Song and Dance: Ningxia, We Are ComingA gracefullady is singing on the Yellow River bank. The mysterious rock paintings on theHelan Mountains, the amazing Silk Road culture, and other beautiful scenery andcultural sites attract tourists from all over the world.7、花儿联唱重新编配的新民歌花儿,悠悠情韵播撒着幸福欢欣,充满着现代气息,令人既熟悉又耳目一新,表达对美好生活的憧憬。7. Folk Songs:HuaerHuaer is amusic style in western China which expresses the peoples aspirations for happylife and romance.8、钢琴独奏前奏曲在世界钢琴音乐的宝库中,有一颗璀璨的明珠钢琴前奏曲。前奏曲的起源最早可追溯到15、16世纪,当时是曲琉特琴或管风琴作为一种“开场白”式的即兴演奏而来,常用和弦与走句交织而成,起到引入“正题”的作用。8. Piano Solo:PreludePianoprelude is a shining pearl in the music world. The origin of prelude can betraced back to as early as fifteenth and sixteenth century. It used to be theopening improvisation andserve as an introductory part before the formal performance.9、杂技翔湖边芦苇风拂绿,一行苍鹭上高天,传统绸吊炫技,恍如鹭鸟飞翔。9. Acrobatics:SoaringTheacrobats soar with the silk ribbon, likeegrets flying inthe sky.10、戏曲舞蹈华夏梨园美舞蹈与中国传统戏曲的完美融合,展现中国古老文化的时代新韵。10. Opera Dance: An Ode to theSplendidChinese OperaThe dance, combinedwith traditional Chinese opera, shows the new elements of ancient Chineseculture in the modern era.11、鼓乐鼓舞中国鼓乐齐鸣,震动山河,聆听动感浪漫、激越的鼓点和乐曲,汇成时代的交响,感受中国腾飞的豪情。11. Drumbeats:China Taking offThe dynamicdrumbeats are converged into a symphony of the times and make one feel theexcitment of Chinas takeoff.12、舞蹈金色汤瓶清风吹来,沐浴溶溶月光,一群少女捧起回族特有的汤瓶姗姗而来。汤瓶的流水似缕缕月光倾注,似清泉汩汩流淌,它似生命的歌在心中激荡。在舒缓与激昂的音乐中,在诗画的情景下,展示回族少女细腻的情感世界。12. Dance:Golden Water KettleBathing inthe moonlight with gentle breeze, some young ladies come with Muslim waterkettles. Their graceful dance embodies their pursuit and love for life.13、男声独唱手拉手13. Male Solo: Hand in Hand尾声和平万岁和平的阳光照耀世界,这里真诚、友爱的歌声与热情奔放的舞姿,展开一幅宏大的和平之路铺开的画卷,动情的歌舞将演出推向高潮,带着美好的祝愿,满载友谊的航船将扬帆远航,奔向灿烂的未来。Ending:Long Live, PeaceThe shinninglight of peace illuminates the whole world. The songs of friendship and thedance of passion converge into a grand picture of lasting peace and splendidfuture.
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